point a to point b
been a good day at work today selling subscriptions n giving away copies of sportmag at osim triathlon expo.. saw many ppl including a female major.. 3 2lt commandos and a cpt commando.. met edmund towards to end of the day n he has a student going in same day as me.. i think i forgot the name oredi.. damn..
the next coolest thing to driving tiongsoon's bmw e21 316i .. i drove an 1982/1983 toyota starlet se today! theres sth abt driving these old cars.. its a different kind of cool.. only some ppl wud understand...
good day
except for some unforeseen circumstances.. not worth reiterating..
started off going to office get the stuff needed for the wedding at burkhill hall.. den headed to far east flora thomson refrigerator get some fresh flowers for decoration.. saw danny cheok (MD far east flora).. as usual he is all smiles..
thx to iz who tagged along when i went shopping for cloth to do up the arch at burkhill hall..

theres my work of art.. first formal piece of floristry cum decoration after graduation..those mackie c300 kinda complements my set up? haha.. the colour in the foto not nice.. its supposed to be dark green satin and cream green satin intertwining.. there r roses and forgot wats the name.. bought a stalk of hydrangeas but duno how to use it.. gave it to the beautiful bride instead.. hydrangeas r so exp here.. 1 stalk wholesale price $6.. gosh..

lena found good use for the remainder of the forgot wat name as table decorations.. that cake is edible on both tiers.. yum..
learnt more new things today..including operating the follow spot on the couple as they march into the lawn area.. everything was great tonight.. the food wasnt the best.. the previous one was better.. bridal car is jag x type.. but i cudnt drive it.. but nvm.. got acquainted with the bride n groom plus the friends who helped out.. all very easy going n nice ppl.. looking forward to my next wedding assignment..
f430 v sf260 v f-16
ok.. i can confirm that i saw a yellow ferrari f430 rev past dfs galleria.. but see only so wat.. the thing is u must drive something faster than it! i believe a Piston Trainer (SF 260)

at 235 knots (
435 km/h) is faster than the insignificant
315 km/h the f430 can achieve
but 435km/h is sort of spec of dust when compared to the might of the F-16 Fighting Falcon which travels at speeds in excess of mach 2 which converts to
>2450 km/hso hopefully everything goes well.. i can start my long n arduous journey to getting the coveted pair of wings
the more i watch 让爱自邮 the more i like that metallic tanzanite blue slk pierre png drives.. ppl may say its a girl car.. but if u got a person like pierre png driving it.. i dun feel in any way its a girl car.. the lowest spec slk200 costs $1,983/month
another commando dies
Deepest condolences n Rest in Peace
For Honour and Glory
SINGAPORE : The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) has suspended surface water proficiency training following the death of 24-year-old commando, Lieutenant (LTA) Lionel Lin Shi Guan, at Hendon Camp on Tuesday.
MINDEF said Lieutenant Lin encountered difficulties while undergoing the training at a swimming pool in the camp at Changi.
Although efforts were made to resuscitate him, Lieutenant Lin was pronounced dead at 5 pm.
Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean has offered his condolences to the family of Lieutenant Lin.
"First of all, I would like to extend my condolences to the family of Lieutenant Lin. He was a regular officer and was undergoing training of a specialised nature to fulfill the job that he was required to do," said the Defence Minister.
"MINDEF will conduct an inquiry into the circumstances and take whatever measures that are necessary. That kind of training that Lieutenant Lin underwent has been suspended for review and the army will decide whether to proceed and when to proceed with that kind of training."
- CNA /ls

maybe if i go into this line i can join this company or buy over this company.. ahaha.. spotted along ngeeann city orchard rd..
got a late call to work today.. went to flash n splash, ripcurl n surfer girl outlets all over town to take window measurements for publicity stickers for ripcurl beach volleyball.. got another later call to courier sth frm peace centre to suntec city for fuji xerox.. was supposed to look for sharon.. aiyah.. but when i reach just nice she at toilet.. cudnt find any excuses to stay ard so left first.. didnt see her.. haha..
for peace of mind
urine, blood, ecg, anthropometry/biodata, dental, optical, hearing, cardio, x-ray
all these were done at the aeromedical checkup.. according to the ops mgr this test cost $400.. so even if i cant pass the requirements.. i oso got a free in depth full body checkup.. i will at least noe that im healthy n not suffering frm any illness.. even if i cant be a fighter i can be a transport of chopper pilot.. infact im really looking forward to flying the apache..haha
come to think of it.. a fellow applicant i met for the 2nd time reminded me.. its taxpayers money.. so our parents paid for the test.. dun come is waste the money.. haha..
my hdd died.. spent 185 on new psu n hdd.. haiz.. all the pictures r gone.. all my stuff gone.. abt 70plus gb of stuff all gone.. so sad.. but lucky i have my zen.. i still have all my songs.. if not will be even more sad... but nvm.. new hdd oso good.. no more spyware.. no more stupid my documents window popping up at startup ...
the aeromedical was smooth.. but the place was hard to reach.. i think theres abit of prob with my ecg readings.. but at cmpb that time nothing wrong leh.. my anthropometry all ok.. EXCEPT my sitting height.. its 102.8cm... over the "given range" by 2.8cm.. the ops mgr very friendly.. explained to me y theres this "given range" cuz u hafta wear a helmet in the cockpit.. that adds another few cm.. everybody at the aeromedical centre very friendly.. very free oso..
shant think abt it anymore.. now theres a wedding job on hand plus some stickers n stuff for lemlabs.. lets just wait n see..
how many?
im looking for 2 character referees for the particulars form.. makes me realise.. how many personal friends do i have n known for at least 2 years.. actually quite a handful.. but must choose ppl who will tok good things abt me.. lol...
iz has kindly agreed to be one for me.. jd is in camp n wun be out till next week.. i can wait for him to book out.. but i want to send in the form early.. i dun need much time to look for sureties.. both my parents qualify to be..
den tues is the aeromedical.. the results will take abt 3 months as the pilot recruitment person said.. if results fail den all these forms will be shredded.. so sad..
good bye p-plate
hullo 24 points.. today i celebrate 1 yr since getting my class 3
so happy today.. saw this girl on the street waiting for cab.. i oso waiting.. i let her take the cab first.. she turned back ask me if i was on the way.. but i wasnt.. oh shes quite hot.. the mass-comm cum accountancy cum ang moh pai look.. if got fate den meet her on the street agn.. den will go get her number.. haha

i duno wats the big fuss abt it.. but i noe its sth u get frm hk.. white lotus seed paste is more exp.. i got nothing except for fake air jordan and and1 bball shorts.. mum bought a jetstar pilot bear.. oh how fitting.. haha.. looks cute..

thats the pilot bear with the hayabusa
the atypical job interview
tried to sleep early at night.. but woke up at 12am.. cudnt go back to sleep agn until 4plus.. 5.. den 7am wake up agn..today yawning all the way while waiting.. damn tired when reached home.. dropped dead..
met forgot-the-name ex bpian with her fren.. both were there for medicals.. she applying for sth in airforce.. her fren for army.. lucky got somebody to sit with at lunch but i cudnt eat much.. haha..
there were 19 ppl today just nice im 10th in the list.. when its my turn the cpt came out.. er.. u all go for lunch break first.. come back later.. wah.. my group of 5 interviewees 4 go in liao.. just nice i must wait till aft lunch.. damn tired.. i only got to tok with my group of 5 interviewees including myself.. there was 1 cdo going to ord in a few months.. he passed.. another very nervous guys enlisting in cdo same day as me.. he failed.. the other 2 passed.. i was quite surprised at the passing ratio for the morning batch 6/9..
met another guy frm np oso enlisting cdo same day as me.. he was wearing smart casual rather than formal.. i thot he might me marked down on attire but he passed.. he had a sleepy look n quite long his hair.. nv judge a book by its cover.. haha..
aft batch was abit more chapalang.. there were recruits.. corporals.. n one oct phase 2 whose father is a pilot.. wah.. there were ppl frm all walks of life.. sons of taxi drivers, bus captains.. security guards(i wasnt the only one :D) managers.. engineers..
the interview was damn stressful.. i duno how the hell he ended up asking "do u think hitler is a good leader?" omg.. history! lucky i managed to pluck a few good n bad points frm him n tried to make my answers sound confident.. haha.. they use ur answers to counter question u.. damnit.. they haf all ur previous details.. y did i fail maths.. wat problems i faced.. wah the psychologist oso very scary.. the chief interviewer is a ltc who pilots a chopper himself.. so i said i like choppers n transport.. lol.. the feeling u get when he says "ok thats it" i think.. everybody feels they failed.. haha..
aeromedical on tues.. last hurdle.. but a very long wait for results.. if good results b4 end of bmt can start pilot training immediately.. but if results get aft end of bmt hafta wait 6 months b4 ord den can start.. of cuz hoping for a good medical.. but i kinda want to experience the best of both worlds.. i wanna go for all the cdo training.. n oso the pilot training.. haha.. duno.. we shall see..

i still feel abit weird looking at it.. nv seen a diploma with 2 logos on top.. the normal diploma only one big ngee ann poly singapore up there.. ours got nparks..i have no merit.. no other awards.. duno who will want to employ me..
so proud of syaiful.. top student frm my course.. gave the graduands speech on behalf of the school.. guest of honour was ceo of nparks.. the occasion cudnt have been more perfect.. ceo of nparks handing him the Lady Yuen-Peng McNeice Gold Medal.. diploma with merit n so on.. that means he is fully sponsored to go uni of queensland to get a bachelor in applied science (horticulture) it will only take 1 year! wish him well.. forgot how many distinctions n As he got.. but got one girl.. 23 distinctions and duno how many As.. WTF 23 distinctions.. her gpa 4? 4.1? lol
alot of thoughts are running thru my head as i took the bus home.. thinking of work.. ns.. n life.. its so different, the way i look at life/work, after i get the diploma.. im now officially a diploma holder.. i have a certain skill in me.. certified.. im no longer the o level student looking for part time jobs here n there.. i need to find a proper full time job now.. ok not now.. thats where ns comes in.. den again frm there.. other thoughts start streaming in.. now very vexed? can i use vexed? but im not frustrated or watsoeva.. just suddenly got so many things happened n more r going to happen..
well everybody esp some girls r doing well.. oredi got jobs liao.. seems 1.6k is the benchmark starting pay for us.. or at least for those prize winners..
now iv got my own stuff to handle.. somehow i feel tmr is the pivotal point of my life.. lol.. im going with 50/50 expectations.. not going to hope for too much.. i even forgot what time to report.. thats how "unhyped" i am abt the interview..thats y i say 50/50.. but can imagine there will be disappointment if i dun get it.. but life goes on.. not everybody can be a fighter pilot.. face it! its a fact!.. lol..
another prob solved!
it feels good to troubleshoot and work out a solution urself.. self help.. theres a sense of achievement.. but noe im kinda stumped.. duno y cant change the font size.. this font size seems a little big.. i change the font size in my code but no visible change observed.. i wonder how...
jd should be booking out soon.. he faces the same prob.. the blog layout doesnt auto unicodes the text.. simple! get the html code frm me.. its just a single line of command dats it..
贼!哈哈。。。 "H"!
my first try
ok.. its my first try at making my own blog layout.. took the skeleton from some simple skin n tried to do abit of photoshop abit of html here n there.. actually its quite fun..
it seems
everybody is going to hongkong.. isit a very nice place? it sure is a very popular place.. i oso can go tmr early in the morning.. but i chose to give it up for the interview on fri.. so i shall wait for my next opportunity to go to hongkong.. that airticket can hold for a year.. wonder how i gonna find time to go
ok.. got down to start on the programme.. 2km in 10min no prob.. 2 x 10 pushup and situp no prob.. 2 x 3 chin up.. die.. i can only pull
twice.. omg..siao liao.. this programme gets tougher by the week.. the reps increase the sets increase
3 x 4 chin up n 3 x 5 chin up.. how to do? magic!
came back n realise i weigh
90.2kg.. oh my oh my god.. i need to shed abit of weight n do at least 5-7 or even 10 b4 i go in.. i shall work hard..
interested exercise mates r welcome to join.. next session on wed
first time

have u bought anything this cheap from a supermarket here? this is the cheapest thing iv bought

another big win in the game
give me a car!
just finished watching another few of the clips jd compiled n sent me.. tiff needell teaches some basic rear wheel drive, front wheel drive and all wheel drive techniques.. looks simple enough.. some of them.. donuts for rear wheel drive.. handbrake turn n scandinavian flick for front wheel drive.. n powerslides for all wheel drive.. rear wheel drive cars r harder to find here.. its either expensive or plain rare.. front wheel drive cars r anywhere.. if can get my hands on a swift or even altis.. can try the handbrake turn liao.. if i can get my hands on an evo ix.. i will be time for me to drive up to gudang n have a great time..
all these is only if
got the pre-welcome letter liao

do i have the diligence to follow this exercise regime? simple enough.. just spend 30-45 mins a day.. somehow i hafta get my heart pumping agn.. in order to stand any chance at cslc.. its been pumping at basal metabolic rate for too long.. lol

this movie is nice..

saw this on the road yst

my biggest win in the game as yet
learnt more things
i learnt y im being called albert.. i knew it was a name given to me by a nurse.. but i duno how had i looked like an albert.. my uncle says.. when i was baby.. there was a hk movie.. quite famous i think.. den the couple had a baby.. i looked like that baby.. the baby in the movie was called albert.. so thats how i became known as albert.. but its not in my ic.. duno y.. sharon n gc.. if ur reading.. now u noe y liao lor.. dun laugh at me liao.. haha
elissa says i look like a cat.. i wonder how oso.. she still looks the same frm the last time i met her.. apart frm some red streaks on the hair.. still pretty.. yea.. haha i wonder how can one stay within the confines of a shop for the whole day.. i cant imagine it.. if ur working in a cd shop.. maybe its better.. but standing the whole day.. plus aircon.. plus weird customers.. i dun think im suitable for this kinda jobs.. i need to sun to survive.. im a human being.. haha
was at a wedding.. grandma's goddaughter's son.. 100 table.. rich family.. but grandma's goddaughter started frm humble beginnings.. she was just a salon worker.. den go improve herself.. studied n made it big.. open a few shops.. had students.. now leading a good life.. oso had a chat with lena abt her big car uncles.. they r MDs of calvin klein n a certain jap manu coy.. the bmw 5 series n lexus es300 r just the perks they get.. its maintenance free.. however her uncles oso started poor.. i asked.. were they the lucky ones who got to get a degree then.. she said no.. they were poor.. worked like half his life to get to who he is today.. respect.. respect..
the wedding btw.. doorgift same as roy's wedding one.. den got a cute little salt/pepper shakers.. which dun look like shakers at all.. the bridal car was surprising a toyota celica

tha'ts all for now!
civilian night
yesterday was supposed to be junwei's civilian night... he'd be enlisting on the 8th.. gab on the 9th.. after an early dinner.. we cudnt decide on wat to do.. so we ended up lan gaming..
its been an age since iv lan gamed outside.. we wanted to play cs but the game was inaccessible.. so ended up playing c&c generals.. for awhile.. n changed to dota.. both games i never played b4.. but it seems dota is easy to pick up and is addictive..
i saw a red yamaha r1 outside beautyworld yesterday.. it looks different.. its is more defined n has hard lines.. guess wat.. i oso saw a hayabusa ride pass al ameen yst... was a group of super4s.. n other class 2 bikes.. seems to me they r a bunch of civil def guys..
one by one the guys enlisting.. when will it be my turn?
so happy today
just came back from

set up was pretty straightforward.. got to work with an ite guy same age group.. hes been in the line for pretty long.. learnt how to assemble n pump confetti guns.. 4 mackie speakers..
i didnt noe until i was there that i had to do live videographing for the blind half of the audience.. as in.. the layout of the ballroom is "L" so as they march in half the ballroom cant see.. must see the screen.. not bad.. learnt so many new things today.. got a chance to sit down with roy's sec sch fren n his buddies.. including shunli.. roy's swiss cottage mate.. wah.. jean.. wah.. the whole table guys except her.. when she left with bf b4 the dinner ended.. everybody discussing.. push up lah.. wah big hor.. haha.. i cud see everything from my angle 1 seat frm her.. lol.. she lou zhen li lor.. lol.. ok thats not the impt thing..
ting ting looks very beautiful tonight.. im just not used to calling my boss's wife tingting.. haha.. but iv only met her once.. but she looks gorgeous tonight.. roy was wearing a tux.. their french kiss is quite powerful.. u can see some serious cheek n lip action.. haha.. duno how many "cocktails" he tah tonight.. his mother oso quite on leh.. "lai.. mama he" den his mother help him tah some of the drinks..
the dinner
the cod was very special.. i nv had that in any wedding b4.. its very nice.. the chicken is surprisingly very tender too.. on the whole the food was 8/10 from me..

it seems this thing is free flow for the night.. i was seated in a basket of tomatoes.. lol..
saw roy's bro.. good looking/tanned version of roy.. lol.. hes a pilot.. roy gave a thank you speech to his parents n in laws.. i had to control my laughter again.. "i want to thanks my parents.. thanks her parents.. ... ..." " i want to thanks everybody here again.. ... ..." haha.. its roy its him..

this is the doorgift.. oso first time see.. theres vespa.. aeroplane.. i got this.. benzie.. its not a chocolate btw.. haha..
post wedding for meof cuz pack up lah.. it seems jack was in a good mood today.. i came home in his jdm accord! wooo iv been byoing his accord for so long.. he n roy were ex racers.. on the way back he told me so many things.. so interesting.. one thing.. his suspension seems like rubber band suspension.. bouncy bouncy.. i suspect theres a hole in his floorboard.. floors the bloody accel. every possible occasion..love his style of driving.. well hes an ex racer so wat can u expect?
we stopped by stevens road esso for top up... he says he wanna change to van liao.. economical n cheap.. but i say.. accord 2 litre nia mah.. he say yes.. roadtax 3.8k/yr full tank 80,90 run 3 days.. if run fierce den 2 days.. u calculate urself.. den i.. hmm.. man i still want an accord! love it so much.. the centre console so nice.. i shall work hard for it..
ok.. we were at esso top up..saw this

according to the uncle.. the gallardo belongs to shangri-la's owner's son.. its part of a 4 car collection.. there red blue n purple i think.. WTF.. jack says.. "gao lat hor" haha.. yea.. drive this kinda car is shen fen lah.. in front the s class oso quite fierce.. but duno whose..
jack's heydayshe oso drive an SiR like roy.. both of them race together.. he told me too many things liao.. impossible to blog all.. but some highlights..
chasing ferrari n porsche in m'sia highway.. porsche running at 250kph.. they running at 230kph.. engine blew.. lol.. keep flooring flooring.. they r crazy ppl.. SiRs chasing ferraris n porsches.. wtf.. but fun lah.. i dun think i can ever get a chance to do that..
told me all about joining races.. how much u must fork out.. for ur crew.. ur accomodation.. petrol..20 sets of tyres.. slick n wet.. n wateva shit.. man its expensive to race.. who says its not.. haha..
but this r all in the past.. he say.. got regret.. so much money wasted on this kinda shit.. things like spend 30k on a car body.. in the end wat u get? just sell off only.. haha..
its fun to tok to these kinda ppl.. can get to learn a different kinda thing frm them..
im still wundering whose that chick he brought along who remained quiet all the time.. my co worker today say shes frm china.. she looks late 20s early 30s to me.. mysterious.. but can guess is for wat one lah.. lol..
okay its confirmed
tmr going set up cum cue n play cum eat at roys wedding.. i heard frm lena its 30 tables.. sheraton.. hmm.. ok.. we'll see how it goes... man i hate that petrol powered nissan cabstar w/o p steering
ok.. im trying to upload the magical videos of zhei again.. hopefully it works out.. den later going pool..
if i get into uni i should try this
woke up so late.. pcshow is until 9pm duno shud go today or sunday.. duno roy asking me to work or setup for his wedding tmr.. pcshow this time round seems very good.. very big.. n from today newspaper "buy any nec compuuter at the pc show and you will be entitled to a sure win lucky draw. prizes include nec computers and bose speakers" i want to buy that featured computer leh.. no money..

its a very good computer.. dun judge those speakers by their size.. u duno them until u heard them..
den i saw sandisk has an mp3 player

im not looking for an mp3 player cuz i oredi haf one.. but was just impressed.. that interface looks very nice and out of the box.. in the market of ipods n zens.. which share identical interfaces.. sueing each others asses for duno wat shit.. haha.. i must say im impressed.. "No. 2 mp3 brand in u.s.a" not bad..
im sure there are great deals for some lcd televijohns.. but where do i get the money? all i can do is maybe wait for the next pc show.. den start saving up now for a ps3! den an lcd.. den the acoustimass 3.. den i can move in to my new old room.. haha..
hot but nice
today is very hot the weather. i had work.. replacing roy for an event at home team academy.. he oso kiasu.. today got rom still take the job..
i spent money even b4 earning.. took a cab to work.. that place is so inaccesible.. had to wait almost an hour for it.. so many cabs pass by none wanted me.. sad.. so on the way.. along bke.. i saw it! i finally saw it! iv seen an m5 in singapore.. omg who the banyan tree has this sorta money to get an m5.. or maybe its not that exp.. compared to a gallardo or conti gt..

today at home team academy.. saw shahul.. azri.. jonson..
saw the mobile column.. nice.. n i finally noe y got police wear red beret..its spec ops command..

thats the spec ops vehicles..

cant see clearly hear.. but got a k9 van.. i never knew golden retrievers can be military dogs.. some of the dogs so pretty.. in fact all of them are..

the fastest wrxes in singapore!
today i learn some more new stuff.. i learnt how to construct n dismantle scaffolding.. its quite nice to work with some of them.. every once a while.. xiao niu tells me.. i got time to rest liao.. den inside there cannot smoke.. they close themselves up in the lorry n smoke..
den.. they work is different style as me n iz.. they tok is tok.. laugh is laugh.. but work is quietly persevere.. no complains.. nice group of ppl.. i guess im not an events person.. i complain at everything!.. u give me 1 less grain of rice 2 seconds less sleep i oso kpkb.. haha.. not an events person lah..