Sunday, June 04, 2006
so happy today
just came back from
set up was pretty straightforward.. got to work with an ite guy same age group.. hes been in the line for pretty long.. learnt how to assemble n pump confetti guns.. 4 mackie speakers..
i didnt noe until i was there that i had to do live videographing for the blind half of the audience.. as in.. the layout of the ballroom is "L" so as they march in half the ballroom cant see.. must see the screen.. not bad.. learnt so many new things today.. got a chance to sit down with roy's sec sch fren n his buddies.. including shunli.. roy's swiss cottage mate.. wah.. jean.. wah.. the whole table guys except her.. when she left with bf b4 the dinner ended.. everybody discussing.. push up lah.. wah big hor.. haha.. i cud see everything from my angle 1 seat frm her.. lol.. she lou zhen li lor.. lol.. ok thats not the impt thing..
ting ting looks very beautiful tonight.. im just not used to calling my boss's wife tingting.. haha.. but iv only met her once.. but she looks gorgeous tonight.. roy was wearing a tux.. their french kiss is quite powerful.. u can see some serious cheek n lip action.. haha.. duno how many "cocktails" he tah tonight.. his mother oso quite on leh.. "lai.. mama he" den his mother help him tah some of the drinks..
the dinner

the cod was very special.. i nv had that in any wedding b4.. its very nice.. the chicken is surprisingly very tender too.. on the whole the food was 8/10 from me..

it seems this thing is free flow for the night.. i was seated in a basket of tomatoes.. lol..
saw roy's bro.. good looking/tanned version of roy.. lol.. hes a pilot.. roy gave a thank you speech to his parents n in laws.. i had to control my laughter again.. "i want to thanks my parents.. thanks her parents.. ... ..." " i want to thanks everybody here again.. ... ..." haha.. its roy its him..

this is the doorgift.. oso first time see.. theres vespa.. aeroplane.. i got this.. benzie.. its not a chocolate btw.. haha..
post wedding for me
of cuz pack up lah.. it seems jack was in a good mood today.. i came home in his jdm accord! wooo iv been byoing his accord for so long.. he n roy were ex racers.. on the way back he told me so many things.. so interesting.. one thing.. his suspension seems like rubber band suspension.. bouncy bouncy.. i suspect theres a hole in his floorboard.. floors the bloody accel. every possible his style of driving.. well hes an ex racer so wat can u expect?
we stopped by stevens road esso for top up... he says he wanna change to van liao.. economical n cheap.. but i say.. accord 2 litre nia mah.. he say yes.. roadtax 3.8k/yr full tank 80,90 run 3 days.. if run fierce den 2 days.. u calculate urself.. den i.. hmm.. man i still want an accord! love it so much.. the centre console so nice.. i shall work hard for it..
ok.. we were at esso top up..saw this

according to the uncle.. the gallardo belongs to shangri-la's owner's son.. its part of a 4 car collection.. there red blue n purple i think.. WTF.. jack says.. "gao lat hor" haha.. yea.. drive this kinda car is shen fen lah.. in front the s class oso quite fierce.. but duno whose..
jack's heydays
he oso drive an SiR like roy.. both of them race together.. he told me too many things liao.. impossible to blog all.. but some highlights..
chasing ferrari n porsche in m'sia highway.. porsche running at 250kph.. they running at 230kph.. engine blew.. lol.. keep flooring flooring.. they r crazy ppl.. SiRs chasing ferraris n porsches.. wtf.. but fun lah.. i dun think i can ever get a chance to do that..
told me all about joining races.. how much u must fork out.. for ur crew.. ur accomodation.. petrol..20 sets of tyres.. slick n wet.. n wateva shit.. man its expensive to race.. who says its not.. haha..
but this r all in the past.. he say.. got regret.. so much money wasted on this kinda shit.. things like spend 30k on a car body.. in the end wat u get? just sell off only.. haha..
its fun to tok to these kinda ppl.. can get to learn a different kinda thing frm them..
im still wundering whose that chick he brought along who remained quiet all the time.. my co worker today say shes frm china.. she looks late 20s early 30s to me.. mysterious.. but can guess is for wat one lah.. lol..
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