2008 Callaway C16 Speedster
Stats vs an Audi R8
Price: US$305,000 vs US$109,000-US$118,000
Engine: 6.2 liter V8 vs 4.2 liter V8
Torque: 660 lb-ft (895 Nm) vs ?
HP: 700 hp vs 414hp
0-60 mph: 3.2 seconds vs 4.0/4.3 seconds (manual/R-tronic)
Top Speed: 338km/h vs 301 km/h (drag limited)
the c16 is topless and doesnt have door handles (they are electronic).. the engine is 2 full litres bigger than the r8's thus producing that much more horsepower, acceleration and top speed..
the price is almost two fucking hundred thousand greenbacks more expensive than the r8
the r8 is a more conventional supercar from audi.. more reserved yet still in the supercar category.. the r8 also boasts of a bang & olufsen system (pretty well equipped) n u don't need to carry an umbrella when driving in the rain
if u were rich n lived in uncle sam.. which would you buy? both are very pretty cars.. superb styling.. maybe buy both!
ashton is talking more now
i dont usually have many chances to talk to ashton.. but today i decided to sit down beside him after dinner..i managed to get him into a chatty mood.. he seemed quite happy or relieved after taking a poop.. he wanted to announce his poop to me.. it seems like he wanted to tell me alot more.. oohs and ahhs with a couple of squeals in between.. never heard him so chatty before..
i tried to pretend i understand by replying him uhmms and ahhs too.. he seems to understand the noises i make.. hes learning fast.. very soon he'll be sitting up.. n crawling around the house..
we are singapore~
some blogthings
What Your Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich Means |
 Your eating style is reserved. You are a bit of a fussy eater, and you have very specific ways you like your food prepared.
You have an average sweet tooth. While you enjoy desserts, they aren't exactly your downfall.
Your taste in food tends to be quite eclectic and wide. You are an adventurous eater, and you like many types of cuisines.
You belong to a class that's all your own. You resist rules and traditions of any sort.
You never really grew up. While your childlike innocence is charming, you often just come across as a big baby.
You are laid back and extremely easygoing. You never make a fuss, and you try to enjoy every moment. |
You Are Cereal |
 Playful and lighthearted, breakfast is likely your favorite meal of the day. (In fact, you're probably the type who sneaks cereal as a midnight snack.) Your culinary skills are probably a bit lacking... and you are a sucker for junk food. Some people accuse you of eating like a kid, but you prefer to think of yourself as low maintenance. |
dont cheat for this
Your Vocabulary Score: B- |
 You have a zealous love for the English language, and many find your vocabulary edifying. Don't fret that you didn't get every word right, your vocabulary can be easily ameliorated! |
waterfest anyone?
http://www.waterfestsingapore.com/zrow.htmli feel like trying it again after so long.. i was once a junior "a" champion anyway.. haha
however the prize money and odds of winning isnt that attractive.. plus the senior men race is on sunday.. im on duty.. sad..
was so bored in hardened just now i started writing those songs etched in my memory since bmt
u cannot feel the pride and morale boost just by reading the lyrics.. u can only feel the impact when u listen to a company of 200 men singing it while marching down pasir ris park.. my favourite for the 24km
Mama told Johnny not to go downtown
Airborne Rangers all around
Johnny went downtown anyway
See what the Rangers have to say
Yo Leh Ah Left Right Le Yo
Yo Leh Ah Left Right Leh Ya!
Rangers told Johnny it was not so easy
Not the place he wants to be
Johnny decides to check it out
Packed his bag and left the house
Yo Leh Ah Left Right Le Yo
Yo Leh Ah Left Right Leh Ya!
First day of school they took his hair
Full of sorrows he couldn't share
Swim and ran till he dragged his tongue
Wondering if this is what he wants
Yo Leh Ah Left Right Le Yo
Yo Leh Ah Left Right Leh Ya!
One day ah, ten days ah time goes by
The stronger he gets he couldn't hide
On his graduation day
And he said
Yo Leh Ah Left Right Le Yo
Yo Leh Ah Left Right Leh Ya!
its the ranger song.. its also what the commandos sing.. this song certainly brings back happy memories.. but like i said.. its only memories now..
fann wong on peschardt's people
its quite a pain to watch half an hour of her trying so hard to put on an accent and her long uhms n ahhs.. n long periods of silence after being posed a tough question. its is quite clear that she is more proficient in her mother tongue.. (mandarin not chinese) but she doesnt understand this.. to her.. chinese means chinese people and the language they speak..
listen to her pronounce stylist as "stau-list", duck as "dug" (then rudely but necessarily interrupted by peschardt to clarify "did you just say duck?") and rituals as "right-tuals".. y cant she just loosen up and be her own self? look at her during parts of the interview when she mixes mandarin n english to interact with passerbys.. thats her! n she is so much more pleasant being her own self than when she is face to face with peschardt being posed with his quite intellectual and macro questions
the gown (which she stresses was chosen for her by the stylist), absolutely gorgeous.. her hair was beautiful..she looked great. but her articulation, spoils it all
if she speaks english like how the very effectively bilingual michelle chia does.. she will be so much better.. the whole package of her
BIG Thank You!!!
okay.. i made a mess yesterday night before cutting the cake.. i forgot to give my little speech and thank everybody who came.. well i think i should hereby thank everyone who made an effort to come down to my 21st birthday party.
very heartfelt thanks to my beloved 04 girl friends for helping out everywhere they could
sincerely appreciate the help from my 04/07 dudes for helping out with pizzas and eating
big thank you to my g01 mates too for taking time off to come over
n how can i forget my fello section 4 pals
also would like to thank the biggest group section mates for making it a great night for me
im sorry for the gender ratio inbalance yesterday.. but the fact is i dont have as many girl friends and guy friends.. thats life...
i love all my presents!!!
i totally love the audio technica ath ck7.. i spent one whole afternoon today trying to learn how to put it on.. but now im an expert oredi.. its a pleasant surprise.. thanky you guys!!
the jbl on tour speakers was quite undescribable.. jd asking me for hints of whats on my wishlist and i gave a clue which cannot be any more obvious in the words "jbl on tour speakers" plus i told him it can be bought from stereo in cwp.. lol.. but i thought the price wasnt that steep.. so i must say sorry to my favourite bunch on sec sch mates.. it cost u guys quite a bit.. i will take good care of it and i will definitely bring it out to share when we organise trips or chalets!
the cap was a surprise.. i never expected it but thanks to keeyong n co for remembering im an ardent reds fan.. thank you very much for the cap.. i will wear it as much as possible whenever im out with yall... lol
thank you g01 for the gift voucher n toner.. i thot the toner was it.. didnt expect a "top-up" surprise in the bag.. now i can go shopping!
thanks to weeleong n junwei for the angbao.. thanks to the group for ur help and staying on after everybody started going home
of course i have to thank my parents for their strong financial support
Pictures are up

braun buffel wallet ($>100)

jbl on tour portable speakers ($>100)

crumpler western lawn messenger bag ($<100)
crossroads mylarone xb on biflange!!! ($75)
range rover

its definitely not love at first sight.. but as u watch more episodes of the o.c., u will grow more n more into this car.. this is the range rover sport.. but its not the most expensive model here.. i think theres a 2007 model the range rover supercharged.. engine sizes the same.. but it costs $479,888 while the range rover sport $380,888.. beautiful car
digital cable
i think im quite slow here.. only just now did i go n swap my analog set top box for a digital set top box.. its been like out for duno how long oredi.. now there r even better ones like the hubstation n stuff.. with hdtv 1080 n stuff.. n here im only excited about getting a digital set top box..
well i had to change it in order to get the new sports package.. how can i not get lfc tv? its a must! must!.. because its a digital signal i no longer need a tuner.. so i can watch tv fine in stereo sound finally.. i have been using mono sound from my vcr tuner cuz my tv tuner is spoilt.. got big speakers oso cant use for shows with good sound.. got dualsound oso cannot listen to those jap/korean voices..
fret not! i welcome my friends over on saturday night for the big kickoff of the new epl season in STEREO sound and DIGITAL signals.. lol.. although its not my powerful fx6021s.. its only a almost 10 yr plus old speakers system from sony.. well at least it was the best from its time... haha..den its was big=good bigger=better
advice needed
im planning on getting myself a $288 3d car cake
but i think its way too steep although dad is willing to pay.
with the budget dad is offering i can get a precise scale down model of any car i want
and i don't have to eat it..
i figured the cake is too nice for me to eat
to get or not to get
Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Saudi Arabia around the year 1200. Your profession was that of a trainer or holder of fine animals, such as birds..
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere - politics, business, religion, housekeeping. You could have been a leader.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your lesson is to learn humility and faith in spiritual principles. You should believe in higher reasons.