Tell me what do you do, when it all falls apart
i just hope little kingdom will wake up and little citizens put in their little bit of effort in learning the ropes. i hate to see bad weather everyday. it's affecting other innocent and fun loving little citizens. some are just not putting in the effort to change. this is selfish. we are in, we are in it as one. we stick together as one no matter what happens!
truth is that is so remote in reality. what i can hope now is that the innocent and fun loving citizens still have the patience and perserverance to go all the way to become the BEST.
let them go with their screwed priorities. there's a thing to be done here. i will get it done. i promise myself.
oh well.. things happen
things don't always go as planned. things don't always turn out to be perfect. but we have to learn to live with it. if not life will suck.
i'm glad i have better articulation and more varied intonation when i speak in plain english now. i'm constantly watching out for subconcious use of formal or colloquial english. i'm glad i was taught the phonemic chart. now i can
hao lian to friends.
i'm happy to have learnt a little bit about etiquette. i felt like a model sashaying down the dance studio. wahaha. maybe it's age, maybe it's inexperience in "certain areas of life" i cannot control blushes.
i'm sad some things have happened when they shouldnt. but i hope this is just a small pebble in the way. things are generally still very bright. just keep doing the right things that's all.
don't be afraid to blog. don't be afraid to take more photos and post in our "new secret place" hahaha... there's always 2 sides to a coin. do not be over cautious and lose all the fun. it's okay to blog. i hope my message gets to the intended ones...
i got stained by tar
1 and a half years of jail term in that shit well has stained me quite abit. like tar. sticks to u and it's hard to get it off. oh well. maybe stained is quite a strong word to use, but who cares? i really
hate that place.
i got a comment on my
hair length today. this time it is something i've
COULD NEVER HAVE possibly heard in my 1.5 years there! my hair was too short. i was advised to keep a more
civilised hairstyle with real hair on the back and sides.
it's not
their fault seriously, but i just want to blame somebody. for 1.5 years i was constantly terrorised by a
group of useless plain childish imbecile underachieving slobs and fucking losers, to keep my hair length to the bare minimum. for whatever reasons i don't really care now.
i have to learn and get used to a new standard of grooming. which makes more sense to me in every way. now does anybody have a good recommendation for a start other than toni & guy?
21 days
21 days left in fc. 21 days to dress down. cheers!
no blogging
haha. tomorrow will be very fun i guess.. oh yea!
one last day before embarking on the start of a 4 month journey to becoming a full fledged cabin crew.
as expected this times are filled with anticipations and worry about this about that. as commonly said, its all only hearsay until u personally carry out anything at all. i've been living on loads of hearsay from here from there. sometimes even questioning if this is the right path to take now. theres no turning back now. i am still very optimistic about the future. i will make the most of my initial choice and not let little setbacks hold be back.
company policy states no blogging or whatsoever. it's just like where i just came out from. i wonder how all the pictures found their way to the net anyway. theres always a by left and a by right way of doing things. lets hope what little i have learnt in my 1 and a half years there will help me along the way.
i predict i will have much lesser time for stuff like these. travel will be a chore as i spend about one-sixth of a day on the roads. classes will take up about two-fifths of my day for six days a week. that is why i hope to get together with my mates on sat nights.
okay then. one final deep breath and we go all the way!

civilian [siˈviljən] noun
a person who has a civil job, not in the armed forces
Arabic: موظف مُوَظَّ مَدَني، أحدُ المَدَنِيّين
Chinese (Simplified): 老百姓
Czech: civilista
Danish: civilist
Dutch: burger
Estonian: tsiviilisik
Finnish: siviilihenkilö
French: civil, ile
German: der Zivilist
Greek: πολίτης
Hungarian: polgári egyén
Icelandic: óbreyttur borgari
Indonesian: orang sipil atau preman
Italian: civile
Japanese: 民間人
Korean: 민간인, 문관
Latvian: civilper- sona
Lithuanian: civilis
Norwegian: sivil(ist), (vanlig) borger
Polish: cywil
Portuguese (Brazil): civil
Portuguese (Portugal): civil
Romanian: civil
Russian: штатский
Slovak: civil
Slovenian: civilist
Spanish: civil
Swedish: civilist, civilperson
Turkish: sivil
i'm beginning to feel uneasy about a possible long break without income. it's been a week since i sent out my enquiry to SIA. no reply since. looking forward to tuesday with mixed feelings. maybe i should try calling up on monday. please let me start training soon!