Sunday, September 30, 2007

iPod uncovered

please be advised that the following presents some graphic images unsuitable for persons with health conditions, minors, pregnant and elderly

top left is the mainboard from apple
the earphone jack and lock switch panel from apple
i cant identify where the color lcd is from
the battery pack which looks like a cordless phone battery pack is made in china
the proprietary hard drive connector
and the toshiba 1.8" 20gb ata hard drive made in the philippines
made a mess when i tried to remove the blue sponge padding on the drive..

thats how ur pretty iPod components are held together and protected from the elements

ever wondered how the click wheel works? well it looks like that on the underside and there is a small connector from foxconn that links it to the mainboard.. didnt noe apple uses foxconn components

all the components are mounted on the mainboard n the mainboard is secured the the plastic shell with screws.. that black lining u see around the window is supposed to be another shock padding i suppose.. but its not strong enough to withstand about 1G of impact (that my iPod suffered).. haha

the underside of the shiny chrome cover looks so cheap with ink markings left behind by whom i suppose r the assembly line workers or the QC guys

Friday, September 28, 2007

a minute of silence

On the 4th July 2007. I got a shiny new thing
About a month later it died. I managed to revive it
A few weeks later it died again. I cannot revive it anymore
I had it replaced. Once again i got a new shiny thing
Less than a week later it was crushed
It fell in Quechua face down from a height of about 2 metres

Im so sad. I so shocked...

$200 gone in the blink of an eye
its my favourite facelift of the ipod
its a trademark of the new generation apple
white face and a shiny chrome back
quite fat and round edged.. so nice

now a new refurb set will cost SG$158 with gst
i did not need much second thought..
should i get the brand new ipod classic? spend even more on an ipod touch? or the cute lil ipod nano.. its a fact that ipods are unbelievably expensive when newly released.. their prices drop significantly in a few months..

prices upon release
the 1st gen ipod 10gb cost US$499 (Oct 2001),
the 2nd gen ipod 20gb cost US$499 (Jul 2002),
the 3rd gen ipod 40gb cost US$499 (Apr 2003),
the 4th gen ipod 40gb cost US$399 (Apr 2004),

the 4th gen ipod color 60gb costs US$399 (Oct 2004),
the 5th gen ipod video 80 gb costs US$399 (Oct 2005),
the 6th gen ipod classic 160gb costs US$349 (Sep 2007)

iv decided the best choice was still humble ipod color.. see.. in close to 3 months the price for the refurb set has dropped SG$50.. i just blame myself for not taking good care of my ipod.. more money is spent once again to buy a lesson.. whats new for me

Thursday, September 20, 2007


this is for the tech savvy baby

these strollers feature dvd screens n ipod docks
i didnt have these things in my days as a baby

Thursday, September 13, 2007

my new ds

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Libera - Angel Voices

first i came across their song sanctus unknowingly as a very beautiful piece of music which was played during my brother's wedding.. im not sure which march in was it..

just now while des n i were walking towards starbux in paragon we passed by that cd shop.. n they were literally blasting the same song on their millions of bmbs.. i couldnt recall but it sounded so familiar.. so i went in n asked the pretty lady whats playing.. n she showed me to a in house compilation..

being a cheapo i didnt buy.. cuz i dun understand any of the other songs.. so i just noted the title n came back.. did abit of wiki n found out abt this very famous boy choir from london.. this album was released last year.. very pristine vocals..

"With shimmering, mystical chords and ecstatic harmonies, they are unlike any other group you have ever heard. At times plaintive, at others climactic and transcendent. These are truly sounds to lift the soul. Celestial sounds for a new time. " -
on a sidenote.. andrea corr has released her debut solo.. i oso got it.. quite nice

Sunday, September 02, 2007

bo tai bo chi

i thot i was a loner.. went to comex alone.. but aft like 1 hr walking i bumped into jd.. oso bumped in syaiful n fazlin b4 him.. den jd n i went ard walking.. hes looking for an mp3 player.. so i recommended him what audiophiles recommend.. meizu.. its a china product.. but the sound quality is seriously good.. im not too sure abt the build quality though.. so he auditioned the a meizu player n compared it to the new zen.. he says meizu is seriously good.. but the stock earbuds cmi thats all.. so i told him to go try audition the shure se530.. a earphone selling at $815 but i think the comex price is cheaper.. abt 700 plus i think.. i had a listen too.. wow.. its bass definitely packs a punch.. as compared to ultimate ears 10.. i feel ue 10 has more clarity n shure has more fullness in its music.. both are triple drivers..
so i was walking abt b4 i bumped into jd.. i saw the audiotechnica booth n decided to pop in n see whats going on.. well. surprise surprise! there they are pre launching their new line of noise cancelling headphones out to kill the bose qc2 and sennheisser dunno wat model..n i can feel the difference between the audiotechnica n the bose.. i definitely recommend the audiotechnica as its more bang for buck
i did not buy anything from them.. but i guess the fact i told the guy im a ck7 user.. he was more than happy to spend time introducing this new headphone to me.. rather than sell me the headphone.. he admits i oredi have one of the best products from audiotechnica.. he has nothing else better to sell me.. so i listened to him talk n aftwhich i registered my particulars with their customers databank.. n he invited me for a lucky dip.. where the lady pointed out pretty obviously where the balls were.. n i won myself a headphone.. so i bo tai bo chi won a headphone without even buying things from them.. nice surprise!

its a pretty decent pair of headphones.. of cuz not audiophile quality but good enough for a little midnight gaming or music... very decent the sound quality for $33.. anyway what more can i ask for? its free! wooo..

aft dinner (foot long subways) we yet again went to marketplace to look for things which "cant be found locally".. n aft watching a certain documentary on the history of chocolate on duno which channel.. i decided to buy some high cocoa content chocolates home to try