cool jobs
well.. it has to be something to do with driving..
ok.. one benz e200 costs $175,888 on the market..
n lets say tinting and adding wateva military security features to it costs another 10k
so i just saw almost $1,000,000 drove into the mt line yesterday in the form of brand new benz e200s for the chiefs n ministers
wtf.. money spent this way.. imagine if it had been shared with the poor men of the armed forces
those older e200s were still running strong.. perfectly good working condition.. they just had to have new cars didnt they... damn.. defence budget?
now the drivers have both a payrise n new cars to drive... n i overheard one of them said "wah its really powerful, that car"
just finished watching a documentary on PSA on natgeo.. another cool job which isnt that well known is a crew of car jockeys.. a car jockey loads n unloads a ship of cars.. they drive in thousands of brand new cars of all makes n models everyday.. how cool is that.. they r the masters of parking.. each car is separated from another with just a handspan to spare.. packing cars into a ship in sardine fashion isnt easy at all.. the crew at psa claims they have never met with an accident.. woo.. well done guys! for bringing traffic jams into singapore
wah.. the show just gets more intriguing
never expected that angela petrelli is claire bennet's grandma..
claire's biological mother is pretty hot too.. literally.. she burns!.. haha
peter petrelli n sylar fought.. there must be a second part to it.. they both cant die and both have similar powers just that peter can go invisible
now we'll just have to wait until the next episode airs on NBC HD on the 30th at 9pm US time
while i was at the gym
i saw ming yang.. hwah.. after so long..
how coincidental that we met in the same base just that hes in 5sir i think..
not sure wat hes doing now but understood hes ord-ing abt the same time as me
on leave tmr.. still havnt decided wat to do... looking for mates to go out.. go check out audiohouse maybe..
i need a new wallet
should i get



or MOD
my favourite is macht.. its horsehair embossed leather.. nice texture.. n unique..
time to splash the cash coming payday
sfi rations

i have not seen this sort of menu from sfi or foodfare in my 9 months of ns
corn on cob
white fish nuggets
fried chicken wing
salmon burger
scrambled eggs
it was a special lunch.. i wonder wat the occasion was

been to stadium @ ngeeanncity?
i noticed something up in the ceiling
this huge tube is called the acoustic wave cannon system.. sounds really cool
when ur bored
u can consider cutting up a regular rubberband into 91 pieces and arranging the bits neatly as

this is how boring it can get for me when im on 24hr duty.. alone in my duty post.. where if i told u id have to kill u
when ur bored u can also drop by marketplace @ raffles city with a buddy to look for "things which are not sold in singapore"... get it? "not sold in singapore"
u also visit the expensive wines section n try to learn a thing or two about expensive wines

at SG$3211.16 this is bottled in 89

at SG$ 1588.65 this wine was bottled when we were born.. dun ask me y the younger one is more xpensive.. i clearly do not understand as well
weird laws
y isit that a child has to repay back to the cpf with huge interests rates an amount of money his parent has authorised cpf to be withdrawn for educational use
yes cpf savings r for old age. but thats just a claim. how much can be withdrawn in the future is an unknown and they r just like a money sucker that is all
is there an assurance that which ever amount i repay CAN be withdrawn by my father in the future? no
y isit that u have to pay interest to use your own SAVINGS? money suckers
fear not! i have spoken to nathan about this. he says the parent can waive repayment by the child. lol
Umizaru Limit of Love

the test of trust
its totally breathtaking.. the number of failures and retries
divers are the coolest people on the face of the planet
they r mental, with godly strength and fitness, and a willpower of steel
its the best jap movie ever..the music is just fantastic.. and i will get them for collection
Xmod on 2.1 is to turbo on ek3

thats me new toy. n i love the way it brings out all the muffled bg music lost during compression.
i am quite unhappy about the fact that it tends to over-correct or over-enhance the music.. so that some vocals break.. that is y they included a switch for u to control when u want it on and when u want it off
its nice
buddy hoagies

my panfried fish was great, their flamed grilled n black pepper chicken was equally good! all set lunches come with garlic bread, soup of the day and free drink.. the price? $10.90
the after meal sweet things were quite tasty too.. tiramisu, apple pie with ice cream, and concorde

theres one in bt timah sc, which we went, n theres one in nee soon south cc.. worth a try!
Batch 889
can i be part of maybe batch 890 or 891?
didnt noe the superstar silver ang is an air stewardess now
its a great way to fly! im so sad.. so sad.. the next recruitment for locals is on the 21st n 22nd this month!!
wonder when will the next opportunity be...