Sunday, April 29, 2007
cool jobs
well.. it has to be something to do with driving..ok.. one benz e200 costs $175,888 on the market..
n lets say tinting and adding wateva military security features to it costs another 10k
so i just saw almost $1,000,000 drove into the mt line yesterday in the form of brand new benz e200s for the chiefs n ministers
wtf.. money spent this way.. imagine if it had been shared with the poor men of the armed forces
those older e200s were still running strong.. perfectly good working condition.. they just had to have new cars didnt they... damn.. defence budget?
now the drivers have both a payrise n new cars to drive... n i overheard one of them said "wah its really powerful, that car"
just finished watching a documentary on PSA on natgeo.. another cool job which isnt that well known is a crew of car jockeys.. a car jockey loads n unloads a ship of cars.. they drive in thousands of brand new cars of all makes n models everyday.. how cool is that.. they r the masters of parking.. each car is separated from another with just a handspan to spare.. packing cars into a ship in sardine fashion isnt easy at all.. the crew at psa claims they have never met with an accident.. woo.. well done guys! for bringing traffic jams into singapore
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