defining moments
u should try falling into concertina wire once in ur life.. it was another defining moment for me..
a sight to behold.. spastic smiles of spastic faces running around with both hands cupping the sfg87 handgrenade.. spastic smiles on spastic faces running around aft throwing..
another confinement n back
14 to 21 august was field camp.. alot of defining moments.. including shitting in the open.. leopard crawling everywhere during firemovement.. the last batch didnt even have all this shit.. they took tonner in while we routemarch 7k in.. routemarch out.. fuckin shagged.. lol
the real real defining moment should be EX FINALE
last day lights out at 2000hrs.. turnout at 2300.. 1 solid hour of turnout at old sispec.. crawl up crawl down crawl up crawl down crawl up crawl down... push up position change! sit up position change! change! change! change! thunderflashes going off at the sleeping area.. whistles.. torchlights.. wah.. fun until i dropped my id tag.. tiok sign for guard duty.. but the queue is damn long.. pop liao still havnt reach me..
den learn this learn that write some plans.. for sit test.. until about 0300hrs.. 0430hrs started our sit test.. test all the way until abt 1700hrs.. woo.. that was my defining moment in bmt.. surely..
came back to mainland alot of admin to do.. wash up.. all the smelly clothes.. soggy boots.. den it was ippt den soc the following day.. super hectic 2 weeks gone just like that.. lotsa mates in the FAIL ippt category to accompany this week for re test.. some chin ups >15 but sbj <220.. but i am the other way round..
escaped blanket party for my bdae.. my buddy oso quietly escaped.. 15th and 22nd august.. haha.. all of us too tired for all these oredi..

taking time off to take a picture during personal admin.. thats leonard my chin up coach and tat my fellow pilot trainee to be
this is shitty
im gonna miss the highly anticipated charity shield later on.. all the new signings.. new look team.. taking on chelsea.. with their new signings.. man im gonna miss out on alot of things..its bound to be a edge of ur seat exciting game.. this is so fucked up.. monday will be going field camp liao.. until now i still not confident of chin ups.. they have been stressing how important it is to be able to do at least 8 chin ups and 30 standard push ups in 1 min to qualify for airborne course.. im doomed..
next 2 weeks will be another confinement.. right aft coming back frm tekong.. its ippt.. no time left.. i seriously wunder how to pass.. we heading back agn for grenade and just like that 2 weeks will be burnt.. fucked up.. all these r the price to pay for 6 months reduction in ns.. damn..
im so sad.. i will miss so many of this new look liverpool side games..the only way to keep informed is maybe only on prime time morning while we have breakfast.. but thats unlikely cuz sometimes our breakfast is even b4 the programme starts.. other way is thru wap on my hp.. newspapers r a luxury.. damn damn.. so sad..
tokyo drift
damn cool.. the rides the races.. the drifting.. the skylines fairladys.. that red evo.. n the final silvia all damn chio..
its freakin exp to pimp a fairlady till its smokin hot.. i dream of one day owning one of those hot rides..
booking in again
off in lieu is fast coming to an end..
watched click with lin and wasted abit of time looking for fictional books in the bookshop and the library.. haha..
will be taking buddy's dad's car back with shaun.. my butts r spared..
early bookout

this hayabusa belongs to a ranger cadre.. damn it sounds cool.. looks fabulous too
detachment 4, the underdogs with weaklings like me, won the ultimate detachment challenge in record breaking time.. we r better than alpha coy best timing ever.. reward= bookout today..
ultimate detachment challenge = in a 14 men detachment u do
500 sit ups, 500 push ups, 200 chin ups, soc in sbo n rifle, leopard crawl 50m in fbo n route march 8km in fbo too. 1 hour 56 minutes!! wooooo.. damn proud of the achievement.. it felt quite surreal..
stayed back for fri-sun for range.. damn i am a pajiao.. only managed 27 aft reshoot.. so demoralising when almost the whole platoon marksmen with 28-32 which is the full score.. got scope oso cannot shoot properly sia..
sun was quite fun.. we were allowed to order pizza at night.. had a good time n slept.. but today got 5bx, speed training n ippt mock test.. fuck lah.. anyway pizza goes well with root beer.. slurp!

thats my cupboard opened.. i sleep upstairs..

me n my buddy our helmets..

me n my buddy.. aspiring pilots but speckys

chocolate bun IC doing abit of journalling

giant fruitips the size of my toot...
shall go wash up n wash clothes... will blog when free-er