Monday, August 07, 2006
early bookout

this hayabusa belongs to a ranger cadre.. damn it sounds cool.. looks fabulous too
detachment 4, the underdogs with weaklings like me, won the ultimate detachment challenge in record breaking time.. we r better than alpha coy best timing ever.. reward= bookout today..
ultimate detachment challenge = in a 14 men detachment u do
500 sit ups, 500 push ups, 200 chin ups, soc in sbo n rifle, leopard crawl 50m in fbo n route march 8km in fbo too. 1 hour 56 minutes!! wooooo.. damn proud of the achievement.. it felt quite surreal..
stayed back for fri-sun for range.. damn i am a pajiao.. only managed 27 aft reshoot.. so demoralising when almost the whole platoon marksmen with 28-32 which is the full score.. got scope oso cannot shoot properly sia..
sun was quite fun.. we were allowed to order pizza at night.. had a good time n slept.. but today got 5bx, speed training n ippt mock test.. fuck lah.. anyway pizza goes well with root beer.. slurp!

thats my cupboard opened.. i sleep upstairs..

me n my buddy our helmets..

me n my buddy.. aspiring pilots but speckys

chocolate bun IC doing abit of journalling

giant fruitips the size of my toot...
shall go wash up n wash clothes... will blog when free-er
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