another nice picture

AC M 6655.. nice number plate.. ac milan? hoho...
beautiful rims.. cool front lip..
its either his father owns his own company.. or he owns his own company.. or hes doing mlm

it seems everybody is google searching their friends' names nowadays just for the fun of it.. i went to search my name on
so touching.. the 9pm show on channel8.. that little girl got the looks.. can act.. cry on demand.. i believe she can go a long way.. now.. im wundering wat i wud haf been if i was a child actor to begin with.. hoho...
i want to watch ice age 2.. anybody free to watch it with me?
our first cars
i apologise but i must say sth abt this.. we haf decided.. the first cars.. our stepping stones to bmw 5 series.. will be the new suzuki swift.. its abt 20k more exp than the picanto.. but its jap, more powerful, more spacious, n more fuel efficient! i will be driving white, iz driving red, while jd takes black..he definitely need vkool for his ride...
iv got 2 brochures lying on my table.. 1 is bose 1 is suzuki swift.. those r wat i want in the not so distant future...
yesterday n today
went ucc to watch dances.. my favourite was the contemporary modern dances.. ended abt 10 plus.. got jd out for supper at alif.. the prata is good there.. ate till a few mins past 12mn.. den we thot maybe go look for trouble or a fight.. but the bad guys were not there.. so we went up to jd's place.. stoned ard surfing the net watching tv.. until iz left at abt close to 4 or isit.. im not sure.. den i stayed on.. jd shared his video collections with me.. i was thinking of watching russell peters agn.. but he showed me the other of the clips he had.. one included pablo francisco.. hes another class act.. the movie voice over thing was way cool.. den we watched dave chapelle until dawn.. i totally laughed till cried when he did the lil jon stuff.. yeEeEaaAa.. WhaAaaTtT... WhaaAttT? yEeeEAaAa.. lol.. damn funny lah.. although he mocks at everything n anything.. even himself.. his own race.. but i still admired him.. cuz hes african american.. but he has his own mind.. got his own show.. invites the likes of wayne brady on his show.. darn funny too that episode.. lol... he changed my perception of african americans.. i always thot of them as troublemakers.. stuff.. illegal gangs.. stuff.. lidat.well at least thats the kinda image being portrait by the media..but this guys cool.. freakin cool!..
its 0745 in the morning n i feeling so awake as if iv been sleeping all night... iv been awake since 5pm yst.. nice...
not interested to watch ars-juv though they leading 2-0.. but i must say it was a nice goal by fabregas.. watched the o.c.. nice episode.. cud haf gone to the real orange county 1 year plus back.. but not adventurous enough.. furthermore first time to the states.. must follow the group..

can we organise a trip to LA agn? so miss the fun n freedom
laser engraving

cool kids haf ipod.. nice
no more criminal face
just went down buy gillette mach3.. without turbo.. the difference is 2 for the stick.. the blade price difference is like omg.. 4 mach3 turbo blades is abt 16.. 8 mach3 blades abt 19.. i think offer price.. but all mach3 blades can be used on all mach3 sticks den still got aloe strip one.. for the mach3 turbo blades.. not bad lah.. i haf a proper razor to use for the next few weeks.. bought the blades oso.. maybe aft that i try the more exp blades.. clean face but got abit of white spot.. haiz.. its back agn.. sian...
feel like holidaying
mum keeps reading aloud frm newspaper n all those natas ad.. she doesnt realise the fair is over today.. incidentally.. the ikea sale is oso over.. haiz.. so long nv go walk walk with her liao.. we were like toking abt trip to japan.. lovely.. we've been to universal studios n disneyland in la but id like to try japan's.. universal studios gave me a lasting impression.. was one of the best experiences ever in a day.. fantastic place to play... per pax ard 1.5-1.8k?.. mum will hafta fork out for granny oso.. so that brings me to the thot.. granny wun be there for the rides n stuff.. she more the type oh! look.. cheery blosson! so beautiful.. lol...
den so bored nothing to do.. went online surfing for holiday packages..its quite sad when ur not old enough to rent cars for driving holidays... zuji is a nice place.. onje stop service avail... i saw this i was thinking.. its worth the money to go over to liverpool for a few days.. enjoy the sights n weather.. the place.. the culture... watch a home game, which id never done... maybe cud get a fren to go together.. maybe yanzhi? haha.. i thot he might be the best person to tour with.. in this case...
i always wanted to go tour with some frens.. at least same age group can mad together.. same wavelength.. i think universal studios with frens is the best combi.. haha.. but everybody seems to be... no money one.. likewise here... singapores so boring when u think of it.. but it can be very fun at times too.. haha.. contradicting lah.. wateva... btw universal studios is a themepark okay? jest in case ur duno y i blabbering away... its oso the place where they shoot real hollywood movies.. well thats the case for the one in la.. still rem the last time i went.. i saw the shooting area for desperate housewifes... cool eh..
waiting for mum to receive a circular regarding that 1.2k grant.. well itd be the last time im taking the grant.. maybe.. maybe not.. i can take the 1.5k grant if i go uni.. haha.. doubt mum still working by then... but previous times the grant was received at ard sept.. so i think wun be able to use it for holidays b4 enlisting.. sad.. but nvm.. im still waiting for the day i can go overseas with a bunch of 志同道合的死党。。
if i had $
i will buy either an evo or an sti.. nfsmw only has the 2 previous facelifts.. nonetheless i enjoyed myself zhng-ing both of this cars to how i wud want them to look like in real life if i had $

completed career mode but hanging at 99%.. got 1 more milestone challenge (toru's cost to state).. duno if its a glitched preventing me frm completing or isit i didnt try hard enough.. cuz the milestone challenge doesnt show up even if i chose to launch that event.. anyway.. it was gallardo all the way pass razor.. den in the end the challenge very nice.. i took like 20,30 tries to complete.. level 6 wanted, where instead of white/blue corvette police cars.. its black undercover corvette police cars.. must waste 30 police vehicles n another 30 will appear aftwhich as backup.. wtf.. mia calls u n direct u to the bridge.. leap of victory!
ok.. got all the cash i needed to mod that murcielago to highest specs plus a set of 10k rims.. sweet.. but game finish liao wat to do with that? lol.. i think the best car in the game is murcielago.. both the murcielago n carerra gt in highest specs haf full bars for handling.. murcielago with full bars for top speed n carerra gt with full bars for acceleration.. btw.. isnt carrera gt still a prototype car? not sure bout that.. not a big fan of carrera.. cayenne is my typa car...
next up.. a rest n maybe sumore fm with gab b4 i try embarking on the challenge events..
i havnt gone out of the house for like almost a week can u believe.. haha.. looking forward to removing those stiches.. but itd be back to sore n numbness agn for the next 2 weeks.. wtf... aiming to conquer sakae student buffet with jd agn aft im 100% condition.. the last time was a failure.. i was starting to haf abit of the pain in the place where the wisdom tooth has now been removed.. didnt eat as much as i cud.. den stupidly i challenged a packet of beehoon b4 going.. clever rite? lol
5 races left with razor

96% career completed.. managed to hit 384kph with the gallardo.. n 371kph with the stock murcielago i bought
from an email
In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked. "Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket andstudied the coins in it. "Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired.
By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient. "Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins. "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies..You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.
got to noe this thru mrbrown

this pic is taken in 1998...n it matches jesse mcartney...other matches include angelina jolie, lky, ashton kutcher.. lol

this pic taken recently...n it matches prince william
stunning beauty
just won ming n got his ride.. woooo.. stats almost kissing max liao.. i dun like his i took it to the shop n mod abit.. just the way i like it.. if only i had the real money to mod a real gallardo like that...u cant see it.. but its a carbon fibre hood.. all my rides haf carbon fibre hoods.. im mad abt that
this latest ride comes aft my first car- vw golf gti, 2nd-mazda rx8 (oso won), 3rd- porsche cayman s (bought)... sold the golf long ago.. haha..

i guess ppl who duno how to appreciate cars will just say.. black all over.. where got nice.. if ur one who plays the game n hasnt completed.. u might admire in awe for a moment.. but i shall keep up the chase in the blacklist...
play play play... didnt realise its oredi 4.16am in the morning.. apparently iv forgotten i need to rest to recover faster.. my current ride is the rx8 i just inherited frm izzy.. dun like the decals so went repainted it red! upgraded to best possible options.. im ready to roll with my new car!! its definitely much faster than golf..
came out for awhile.. found out iv unlocked several new cars.. including mb cl500 n lambo gallardo.. took the stock gallardo out for a ride.. neat.. fantastic! love the sounds the music..
my my.. the sound fx is reeli damn cool.. totally in love with this game.. esp when u haf good speakers like mine.. sometimes acoustimass 3 is not suitable for certain stuff.. for eg if u dun wanna catch the poorly mastered sounds or blah blah... haha.. good enough now.. i shall catch some rest n continue racing tmr! yay!
great game
need for speed most the game i bought a vw golf gti.. in real life its oso a 6 speed steptronic transmission.. wah.. first time i rev up to over 230km/h.. the rev meter was like tipping ard 6,7 rpm at 5th gear.. finally i heard the blow off.. n 6th! wooo.. although gfx card cud be better.. but at least i still can play the game without lag.. so happy! golf gti.. its a real nice car to haf in real life.. abit exp.. but classy.. but abit no point oso.. in sgp i dun think can ever reach 5th, or 6th gear for an auto car
anyway.. im considering to forgo the removal of my left wisdom teeth.. the boring diet is killing me oredi.. the taste of the sutures is digusting... but its feeling kinda weird.. i can feel the teeth on the left.. but on the right its empty.. soft gum only.. duno lah.. its better to remove the left.. but.. haiz.. wat a dilemma...
School Day Of The Dead
woke up at 1 plus am.. cudnt fall asleep agn.. den come out watch tv.. aft watching repeat of san miguel asian 9 ball final bet yang ching shun n efren reyes.. i switched ard.. finally hopped to chan56.. i started watching the movie abt 30min late.. but nonethless it was a nice movie...
kyoko fukada is so sweet.. if only i had a gf like her.. hoho..
10min to 5am.. wunder if i can fall asleep agn..
Day 2: Post Op
lazy to upload fotos.. so another time maybe...
now.. its just a sore op site, not much pain.. its somewhere between numb n sore.. ok.. so thankful to the doc.. he allowed me to break my payment into 2.. cuz mum was at work yst.. so he continued with my op without delay.. if not i think the pain will escalate into duno wat.. more complications may arise..the xray on my right.. which was the painful side for the past week revealed a disturbing truth behind the pain.. my lower 8 as he calls it.. which stands for my lower right wisdom tooth.. it was lying perpendicular to my last molar.. the xray show the top of the wisdom tooth rather thant he side.. where in usual cases as in my left lower is abt 45deg pushing out...
the op was quite an experience for me.. way cool.. in fact i think the op is less painful than a scaling session...where they dig deep into ur gums to clean the tartar.. actually there is no pain at all during the whole op.. the significant moments were when he asked the asst. to hold my jaw.. den reassured me.. ok u gonna feel some pushing n knocking.. but dun worry ok... den he goes on n push push push.. the only sensation i felt were pushing.. b4 i knew it.. ok its done.. 2 bloody teeth on the tray in perfect condition... i thot he gonna cut my tooth b4 extraction.. cuz i saw this scary looking tool which appears like a rotary saw blade.. i heard the sounds of cutting but duno wat happened.. dental surgeons are amazing ppl.. or shud i say.. local anaesthetic is an amazing invention..
now i haf 2 more on the left to go.. haiz.. duno y i so lucky.. all 4 need to remove.. i haf lost all my wisdom!!

see.. they r in perfect condition.. pity they had to be removed.. so cute rite.. they r being soaked in sodium hypochoride.. chlorox.. den i can put them under my pillow n wait for the tooth fairy to give me an angbao.. of maybe $600k each tooth.. hohoho
my current diet.. just went down n bought nutrisoy barley n nutrisoy brown rice.. plus each of the 4 flavoured tofu frm unicurd.. that dessert pack.. lovely..
i woke up at 4am+ to a bloody pillow and i looked like iv been smashed in the head.. blood all over my face n neck... omg.. haha
pain, happy, tired
ok.. who the
*toot* invented the wisdom tooth.. ok sorry.. its god.. first is my left side.. now its the right side.. sian.. time to "big tear wealth" agn.. shall finally go down dentist aft 1 week.. tsktsk
now.. lemmi see..
today, i went to MOS.. its quite sad ur virgin clubbing experience is w/o alcohol n ur *toot* molar r hurting so bad... i so badly wanted to stay late.. haiz.. nvm.. i shall conquer zouk next.. with my purple id! haha..
so the day started reeli well.. i got to drive mazda3! nice..den i went ard being good samaritan.. pick up my frens.. the dinner was good n my favourite was the baked snapper n spinach..i duno wats wrong but foto uploads damn slow.. maybe i do it another time round.. toothache.. eat oso sian.. ok..
to be continued...
LIVERPOOL 5-1 FULHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just the result all anfield faithfuls have been longing for since the start of 2006.. fowler started the rout.. n fernando morientes!! he scored!! feel so overjoyed for him.. he deserves it more than anyone else.. peter crouch scored too!!! his touch was significant as gerrard shot was going out.. ok.. 3 of the 4 strikers scored.. ciise almost got on the scoresheet too in the last minute of injury time...just unlucky..
strikers aside.. i felt hamann had a wonderful game spreading passes diagonally across the field opening up fulham's leaky defence with ease.. one of the best games hamann has had.. daniel agger has impressed me despite his mistake which lead to fulham's sole goal... hes basically an adventurous variation of hyypia.. solid with his left foot.. but when called upon.. his rightie is up to the task as well.. i luv his passes straight behind the opposite back 4.. that a great player in the making..
goal 2008
still duno when gonna take over bro's room.. but if i take it that he moves out in 08.. den it shud be 08... i haf this plan to make it my entertainment room
get a new comp.. hopefully can afford an alienware thru the net... haha... but if cant nvm.. just get a better comp.. link to 26" hdtv lcd, beside the screen is my mid level amp and player.. den the acoustimass 3 speakers sit 6 to 8 ft apart on the table..the acoustimass bass module sits on the floor with the cpu... now im thinking.. if i shud get a separate tv to watch soccer n play ps3.. den got abit of problem placing the speakers liao.. swee ah!
i love a&f!!!
i absolutely love my new shirt

foto courtesy of cousin.. haha..
i want more a&f muscle tees! they make u look built.. i love a&f muscle tees!!!
i need money to buy them.. oh man... btw jd.. the previous post is poly class joke.. i mest stress to everybody.. its just a JOKE.. laugh it off.. okay?
haha.. so funny
"its not that... ..." blah blah... "its embarassing lor" wahahahahaha
nice to reminisce
my new heart car
although i pretty much still dream of owning a bmw 5 series or a vw touareg or porsche cayenne turbo.. i came across the chrysler crossfire pretty much by accident.. was just browsing ard here n there looking for a new wallpaper to replace the current estima one..
take a good look.. its such a classy car.. the twin exhaust is totally wow...the roadster is basically just the softtop variation.. all specs remain the same... 3.2 litre 18 valve SOHC V6 engine...0-100 in 6.5sec...comes with michelin super low profile tyres.. standard spec... infinity modulus audio system.. in no way inferior to BOSE.. come talk to me about the Chrysler Crossfire!

now.. for the price comparison.. which really quite surprised me abit..the chryslers in singapore all cost <200k
Chrysler Crossfire 3.2 $185,000
Chrysler Crossfire Roadster 3.2 $187,000
Volkswagen Touareg 3.2 $196,900
Volkswagen Touareg 3.2 Classic $174,900
BMW 523i $201,000
BMW 525i $222,500
BMW 530i $248,500
Porsche Cayenne 3.2 $265,888
Porsche Cayenne S $334,888
Porsche Cayenne Turbo $448,888
$1000 job

im wundering y this job costs them $1000.. so fugly the translucence..
u wanna noe a real roxy girl? haha.. she wears a bikini everywhere.. even to work... im thinking she must be sponsored by roxy.. haha
took a merc cab agn
aft a hiatus frm taking it...the boot is huge.. can put wall decal.. small ladder.. n so many stuff..
pass by clementi ave 6.. see a very geh yan wrx parked in the middle of 2 lanes.. wah.. nice sia.. the lighting they put.. like strobe lidat.. traffic was snail crawl.. got to observe the car decals up close.. so nice.. imagine can drive it...
i found a new love.. BOSE Acoustimass 3 Series IV.. it can be used with a comp thru an amp.. but i feel its doing injustice to the speakers if i play mp3 on them.. anyway.. i dun haf 6-8ft to spare so.. in the meantime i will just enjoy my old labtec uhmzhits.. haha
无聊, 退屈させる, bored
feeling bad
turned iz away for the job on friday.. going down pac plaza put up 8ft by 3 ft wall decals.. $150 job.. sorry man.. hope u get a call frm roy soon b4 dnd
well.. the guy who rented the impreza ts to me for $60 went back agnst his word.. this time.. nissan sunny i booked with him some days back.. all ok.. suddenly say.. its out with long term.. damn.. browsing classifieds.. saw this ad.. i smsed to ask if p plates were accepted.. mazda3 $95 w$100 deposit.. refundable 5 days later.. for fines n summons.. well.. sounded reasonable.. im like waiting for him to call back.. regarding a booking fee.. well.. this time theres money involved.. the nissan sunny.. no cash involved.. i oso doubted him... hopefully this on goes well.. itd be a chance for me to drive a mazda3..
its so sad.. this stage in life.. craving for luxuries which r totally unattainable.. impossible now... no income nothing.. yet.. i want this i want that... dreaming of this n that.. tsktsktsk...
baptism of driving lessons
finally.. our latest member has signed up for the baptism of driving lessons... we all feel happy for him... although it set me back $100 to get him started.. i felt it was all worth it.. n i feel good helping my friends..
acting like a fuggin rich kid agn today.. chalked up over $24 at sakae off the conveyor belt..i swear i must eat more the next time we go for the
buffet.. target: 36 plates..
if u happen to pass by NLB westmall.. check out this ad board.. on the right of the entrance
inspirational pic var.3
inspiration picture var. 2
job opening for my fellow hlm grads to be

<-- check out the clarity of this picture.. taken off the newspaper with my fone.. macro mode on theres another opening at seletar country club.. but its for golf manager...
okay.. just came back frm eating tau huay with yanzhi.. fren n jd... we almost forgotten the existence of our 5th member of the hbmw5c... jd n i managed to talk him into getting his license..n hes decided tmr is a good day to start.. haha

<-- the born with good looks trying to act un-handsome.. lol
hey jd.. cant access ur blog...

now.. i shud get back to my presentation for tmr..
some things r meant not to be understood
she deserves better... haiz.. but wat can i do.. im as helpless as i can be.. for now.. future in NS hanging in the balance..
financial condition not in tip top condition... my decision to take over hp bills from mum last month.. plus staring at the starhub bill on the table.. normally when i receive it i pay straightway thru ibanking...
so i have a thot of working parttime at atlas hi fi.. sole distributor of BOSE in SG n MY... however.. iz said they r hiring full time.. im not sure im ready to commit for the period im waiting for enlistment... lets see how it goes.. maybe go down to coslab or herbalife? haha..
duno y.. im like so into BOSE now.. it is good.. despite wat an acquaintance over the net said.. "u say ur an audiophile? wtf.. u duno anything.. BOSE is just an over priced brand" it IS NOT as overpriced brand.. u fugger
to the movies
havnt watched a movie for a long time.. big mama's house 2 was kickass.. at the same time had a good plot.. i didnt catch the first one.. but i was laughing to tears just now.. great movie..
went to bk cine aft that with hx n yaz.. i was actually abit too tired to tok cock with them oredi.. but suddenly hx came up with an idea of how his future son wud be like.. beckham loke... the next clark kent... studies the basic theory in p1.. gets himself a class 2, 2a, 2b, 3, 3a, 4, 5... by the age of 30 go for a taxi license.. drive the mrt.. drive school bus.. sbs.. tibs.. become a fighter pilot, naval diver n commando at the same time... represent singapore in table tennis.. singles, doubles n mixed doubles... captain the national soccer team to world cup glory.. sign for saffc n man utd at the same time.. winning the epl, carling cup, fa cup, champions league, world club championship, n wateva there is to win... being a hardworking son.. he wud go work parttime at harrys bar on weeknights.. n do mlm on sunday night.. he takes violin, piano, drum n guitar lessons... takes yoga classes..when hes called for reservist.. the whole tv screen will be filled with his codenames.. lol..
gosh.. i cant feel my jaws oredi... trash talking is fun
ok.. i felt obliged to post some pictures aft reading iz's space

its an achievable target for all of us... bose system built in... uniquely upmarket feel n style... if we cant afford a cayenne turbo.. or an audi q7.. or a lexus rx300.. n if we wun settle for a hyundai tucson or kia sportage... i feel.. this is the best car

now rem this pic? the motivational peechure for Heartlanders BMW 5 Series Club members..well.. theres only 3 cars in the peechure.. cuz im wundering wats gab gonna drive.. n if hes oso interested in the same car... our new member.. yanzhi.. is quite busy with girls n stuff.. im not sure wats his ride gonna be like.. so only got 3 cars... belongs to me, jd n iz... so jd.. its ur turn to put some peechures on ur spot...
gone in a flash
supposed to meet for dinner at marina square at 6 yst.. but i slept until 6pm.. so i was like 1hr 45 min late... anyway the dinner at yuki yaki was great.. i was unsure wat to expect.. nv went there b4.. the ice cream thing was very cool.. the food was great.. praise the lord! hoho..
we went bowling aft that... duno y the lanes in such conditions.. n balls all so slimy n stuff.. still got waiting list one.. tsktsk...the lanes were more suited for ppl who cud swerve the ball.. i cudnt.. the lanes had pot marks which was imo totally unfit for play.. yazid n i agree orchid bowl is much better..where my lousiest game there was like 101? over at superbowl marina? 69.. wohwohwoh.. hahaha.. i wasnt in the mood oredi i thot.. turned off by the conditions.. eh yazid.. i noe ur a loyal reader.. tag on my tagboard.. they shud bloody rope up the area.. or spray white paint ard.. put GUR signs n relayer the lanes lor.. now im starting to regret y didnt show more enthusiasm in learning golf during my attachment at occ.. those guys cud haf thot me for free n i cud just go for a pc test.. but i think the primary reason was my parents r not members to any golf clubs.. im not ready to part with a few hundred dollars for a 2nd hand set.. see.. 2nd set oso so exp... unless i reeli loved golf i think i wudnt spend on the 2nd hand set... kinda doesnt make sense to me.. if u get things for urself.. get the best! haiz.. if i want to learn golf now hafta go pay money n learn liao.. next time do business or wat duno how to play golf.. means die liao.. haha
on my way to town i met joce.. omg.. its like so many yrs since we'v met... nice to see her.. had a chat.. bout me getting enlisted soon.. n stuff.. n i heard she has a fren who got sent to UK for some stuff.. coincidentally prince william is in the same batch.. oh my wat an honour...
the liv-char game was gross.. i slept in the sofa frm FT till 9am this morning... i havnt slept for 6 months... i shud be going for a cleaning up session b4 i head down to century with the guys.. gab is finally down...
ok.. i went to buy new contacts.. at the same time was thinking abt the black plastic frames for NS.. but i thot maybe still got time to decide.. so i went for an eyecheck.. tried new lenses which r more fitting for me.. i haf an eye curvature of 8.8 but iv been wearing soflens38 for so many yrs which is like 8.6... so its supposed to be too tight for me.. yay.. im looking forward to the complimetary trial pair of acuvue clear.. uv protection n curvature of 8.8
do u like ice cream?

come come.. enjoy with me.. indulge n splurge on ice cream! courtesy of $30 auntylucy vouchers... although i had to top up some 22 bucks for other stuff.. haha
right turn to 045 heading 20nm
rented "meet the fockers" frm videoezy.. first time renting dvd to watch.. i feel its worth the money if uv got a fantastic BOSE home entertainment system.. but even if u dun.. its still good money as compared to illegal downloading...
on my way back home from cmpb.. met an ex senior frm bp.. met banny.. whose having last paper tdy..
the test was quite fun in a way.. but boring in another... i loved the simulation games n psychomotor tests.. i hated the counting down in 3s, 4s n 5s n subtraction qns.. i felt i flung the test which required u to manoeuvre the joystick.. keep the intersecting lines near the crossair, at the same time look out for colours, shapes n numbers, at the same time listen out for a voice counting down in 3s 4s or 5s n notice any mistakes... wah.. dats the most difficult...
i find my spatial n multitasking skills r quite bad... n wth does counting down numbers n subtracting got to do with flying... doh...
one of the pre test qns they asked "y do u choose to be a pilot" my answer "passion to be the best".. haha..
well.. i oso found out the majority of the testees were frm ngee ann as well.. there was an honours graduate frm uni of melbourne.. a girl! duno wat she doing there oso.. she said its just for fun.. interest...
not expecting much.. i noe wat i am capable of.. maybe to be selected it will be a bonus... :)
on my way home, on the mrt.. my row of seats all occupied except for 1 beside me... an elderly couple boarded.. only 1 of them cud sit.. so i gave up my seat to the other... when i about to alight.. this other elderly uncle gave me a thumbs up! haha.. so happy.. i did nothing n got recognised.. happy..
so today i ate a nectarine for the first time in my life. i is basically a peach which tastes like an apple. nothing much there... my last lunch at occ with 3 beautiful ladies.. haha
n tmr will be compass.. finally... i believed my chat with cody was useful... i shall go with anticipation...
12 more work hours to merdeka
im reeli beginning to feel the strain of counting down... but i can entertain myself with quite alot of things in the mean time...
today, i went to the vending machine to by coca cola... den come out half can.. let u all proof

n den today i got to see the license plate SPF1 .. but was discouraged by my asp to take foto.. sensitive ah... but nvm.. i still got to see some eye candy..

thats a beautiful car.. a beautiful plate... if tonight can win sth in big sweep.. im a step closer to parking a twin beside it...
haf ur seen the commercials for the new serial by the superstar finalists... junyang got chance to drive red murcielago sia.. wtf... WTF!!!! i think its murcielago.. cant be any other car.... die.. must watch the show!
i noe liao.. that night at dnd they cued 01:03 of simply the best
screaming my heart out