Saturday, March 18, 2006
Day 2: Post Op
lazy to upload fotos.. so another time its just a sore op site, not much pain.. its somewhere between numb n sore.. ok.. so thankful to the doc.. he allowed me to break my payment into 2.. cuz mum was at work yst.. so he continued with my op without delay.. if not i think the pain will escalate into duno wat.. more complications may arise..the xray on my right.. which was the painful side for the past week revealed a disturbing truth behind the pain.. my lower 8 as he calls it.. which stands for my lower right wisdom tooth.. it was lying perpendicular to my last molar.. the xray show the top of the wisdom tooth rather thant he side.. where in usual cases as in my left lower is abt 45deg pushing out...
the op was quite an experience for me.. way cool.. in fact i think the op is less painful than a scaling session...where they dig deep into ur gums to clean the tartar.. actually there is no pain at all during the whole op.. the significant moments were when he asked the asst. to hold my jaw.. den reassured me.. ok u gonna feel some pushing n knocking.. but dun worry ok... den he goes on n push push push.. the only sensation i felt were pushing.. b4 i knew it.. ok its done.. 2 bloody teeth on the tray in perfect condition... i thot he gonna cut my tooth b4 extraction.. cuz i saw this scary looking tool which appears like a rotary saw blade.. i heard the sounds of cutting but duno wat happened.. dental surgeons are amazing ppl.. or shud i say.. local anaesthetic is an amazing invention..
now i haf 2 more on the left to go.. haiz.. duno y i so lucky.. all 4 need to remove.. i haf lost all my wisdom!!

see.. they r in perfect condition.. pity they had to be removed.. so cute rite.. they r being soaked in sodium hypochoride.. chlorox.. den i can put them under my pillow n wait for the tooth fairy to give me an angbao.. of maybe $600k each tooth.. hohoho
my current diet.. just went down n bought nutrisoy barley n nutrisoy brown rice.. plus each of the 4 flavoured tofu frm unicurd.. that dessert pack.. lovely..
i woke up at 4am+ to a bloody pillow and i looked like iv been smashed in the head.. blood all over my face n neck... omg.. haha
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