Tuesday, March 09, 2010
it's been awhile
i havn't blogged in almost 3 months. nothing significant has happened to me lately.. still jetting in and out of aussie like it's my 2nd home.. hope i get rostered for 380 SEP real soon.. then rosters will look brighter with paris and tokyo narita..it seems i've reached a point where some batchmates are looking to or have already quit the company.. less than 2 months to end of bond. and somehow i feel my honeymoon period is over. it's time to look into what value added activities i should embark on. and really put words into action.
to start of i have so many "want-to-dos". still waiting for a class of elementary japanese to commence.. kinda inspired by a batchboy who's already doing german speaking crew scheme. want to start making money on my off days.. working on that.. wonder when will everything fall into place.. hope it all works out before mid year.
getting bored at home these days.. only if i had somebody who could go out and watch movies or have dinner with any time of the week.. i wonder where she is...