Monday, April 27, 2009
much damage but no holiday
thought i would be saving money this period of leave.. not even halfway through and i'v seen almost $9k fly away from my savings account within one week.. luckily not all were spent.. invested $5k and revised my portfolio of policies.. it was wise to take $5k away from the bank.. i can't imagine if it was still with me comes the spendings.. first $300 on my Seba FR2 pic below
then today finally went to get new tv with mum.. she die die want me to pay all.. oh well..
after some advice from salesperson we decided or rather i decided to abandon my AQUOS for a SONY KLV-40S400A @ $1849... i realise i've been living in the past.. aquos lcd technology has long been overtaken by samsung and sony.. now the leaders are sony..

then burst the wallet again for a Monster 1000hd HDMI Cable @ $408

and a Monster 200fcx Coaxial Cable @ $64

will be going shopping for home theatre system tomorrow.. budgeted damage <$500 hopefully.. no more budget for bose le.. will be looking at maybe sony or if denon, jbl and yamaha have the all in ones i'm looking for