burj dubai!

here is is! the burj dubai.. tallest free standing structure ever built standing at 818m, still under construction.. having seen both, taipei 101 dwarfs in comparison to this.. haha
check this out.. yakult @ SG$16.30

everything starts from the right here. it's quite interesting logging in to blogger from different countries, but this has to be the most special.. the password on the left and the username on the right.. when u google stuff.. everything is right indent..
everything is expensive here.. angsana dubai is really nice. under the banyan tree.. had ej come up n talk cock.. chill.. and she's leaving for istanbul later.. coming in are more friends! haha.. dubai is the in place to be =D
when your bored
was browsing sgcarmart with mum yesterday. told her to get her license soon. was looking at 2nd hand civics at only $48,000 to $51,000.. and i just realised that blue is actually quite a nice colour for the civic. today i woke up and i went back to sgcarmart. suddenly getting a 2nd hand bmw 3 series or a 2nd hand nissan gtr or a new mazda rx8 doesn't seem like such a bad idea. if i can live with like $10 every month.
suddenly i feel like buying bose jewel cubes or acoustimass systems. but house old liao, no sound proofing.. the best speakers will sound like aiwa transistor radios.
going back to censored
again after a few months, for censored
.. heard it's part boring stuff and part bottoms up.. haha. hope to meet matt and maybe a few more for dinner or lunch.. then go collect our letters to take pictures with it.. woohoo
looking forward to censored
.. mini gatherings in censored with
all the 2226 somethings haha.. looking forward to censored
in april.. going to anfield!!

hm.. what else.. wondering if i should go g2k outlet to get a couple of shirts.. the old ones are no good.. as i type i listen to my trusty fx6021s.. i'm contented at the moment
alright not too bad not too bad
2 days course, first hongkong nightstop, 3 turns and a manchester and then 24-30 april leave.. checked and i'll be doing manchester with this nice 345 ls for the third time. times like these, be glad i still got a roster to see.
back from rome
everybody arrived into the airport so happy. in fact everybody was happy from reporting. one of the easier flights and longer stays. btw flightplan is showing on channel 5 now.. damn nice.
the highlight of this trip has to be my first encounter with vomitus in the toilet. 2nd maybe that i managed to speak some basic italian with a couple. bibite? vino? vino rosso, vino bianco.. these few words gave me that sense of achievement.. haha
first time shopping and claiming tax. very happy. going out for supper now..