Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Altec Lansing UHP336
it features audio signatures and technology by Ultimate Ears.. thats y ur immediately reminded of the unique shape of the earphones.. so nice.. yet so cheap compared to UE.. up to 26dB of noise isolation.. that really cool.. i really wanna try it.. wonder if jaben would bring it in.. maybe if its another few years b4 i get a car.. i may invest in another earphone b4 saving up n concentrating on fantabulous i.c.e
just aft spotting this at altec lansing i went ard.. i discovered a previously auditioned mid range earphone.. i didnt try it though.. touted as "a sonic rival to Ultimate Ears’ 5 Pros".. rated A- recommended by ilounge.. its not too old a model.. the clear casing is damn cool.. now i want to buy so many things again.. its a phase...
Westone UM2

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