fiat punto grande
yea.. finally aft so long i rented a vehicle again..
chanced upon this company from some ads in singnet classifieds
not bad.. i feel like trying the fortuner, rav4 or a mazda6 2.3 next time.. maybe for my bdae

i dun quite understand italian engineering.. its a manual gearbox with steptronic transmission.. which means when the gear is in drive/gear 1 the car doesnt move by itself
but on the whole quite fun.. can rev to abt 6000rpm manually

a continental car feels very different from a jap car.. 6 air bags.. plus the thick doors.. sporty interior for this car.. even though its just a 1.3.. its quite an enthusiastic engine.. but just a tad slow on the pickup that is all
so our field trip was cancelled today.. but we still went ahead with the section outing.. watch transformers.. n im so into the movie now.. i was like so high when i saw the camaro bumblebee morph into the new 2008 chevrolet camaro concept .. damn chio lah.. love the movie effects.. AWESOME.. i love the car lah... i love bumblebee.. i want to buy myself one too
the police car is quite sleek too.. but its not a guardian like the bumblebee.. damn nice

i have a little kitten next door
having ashton living next door to me is like having a little kitten around the house
he squeaks.. very high pitch.. like how a newborn kitten cries
hes only half a metre tall n 3010grams.. i duno if he put on any weight yet..
newborns need not be fed in their first 3 days
so cute.. he is mini.. so small still.. hes sleeping now.. baby hours r weird

shh.. dun tell anybody i won $20
ahh.. its been so long since i won something from singaporepools
curse n swears.. one person got group 1 lah..

baby ashton at 16 hours old
my handsome nephew!
my new rig complete!

in low res though.. duno where camera go.. nice? nice?
love it love it love it!!!
yes i have failed to resist the temptation and thrill of spending money.. once again
but i will argue i have been looking at this for some time now..
finally i have a set of respectable stereo speakers fooooooo!!!
its considered pro audio by altec lansing.. n i believe it can stand up to pro audio speakers believe i actually heard details in mp3s which i missed out with the old speakers
12 micro drivers and a 6.5" subwoofer to deliver crisp clean full volume music.. full throated deep bass.. fooooo.... love it love it love it.. the secret lies in the woofer cabinet..
"InConcert uses
three separate amplifiers to power a total of 12 high-performance, fullrange Micro Drivers" a picture to show how huge the speakers r in relation to my puny 19" widescreen
oversized i should say.. thats y u pay more to get BOSE .. i seriously think the sound quality of this is on par with a companion 3 system from bose... i hear a lot more details which i never did... i wonder how they do it.. wonder wat inconcert technology really is do agree that the bass is not the best not the strongest.. a 6.5" subwoofer.. not the biggest.. but the crispness of the sound is more than enough to make up for any loss of bass
now i find i am less prone to "next tracking".. haha.. all the tracks irregardless of bitrate sounds so good.. except for some poorly ripped songs.. a well ripped mp3 at 128kbps can sound much better than a poorly ripped 320kbps mp3.. wah. i LOVE my speakers so much much much!!!!
notice i have removed my bgmusic.. its a re-encoded at 64kbps wma file.. it sounds like shit.. lol
i suspect i will be tired again tmr.. cant sleep lah.. the music is so nice
expensive car

i didnt noe a murcielago costs SG$11 million in singapore
bad luck
y do i have such bad luck with computer hardware..
just after coming home happy with my sales my psu exploded.. n i thot coolermaster was good
so almost immediately im forced to spend a big part of my earnings this morning on a new psu
similarly it has a 12" fan but this one i got has more blue lights.. now my tower is very bright...
hopefully a true power of 450w will not die so soon.. praying hard..
yay.. so happy.. offloaded both my 512mb ddr400 pc3200 ram at $75 kingston-$40, infineon-$35
the buyer was a 40-something uncle who was quite "young".. i quote his sms "Yo i already arrived"
ram gone.. now left the gfx cards, cdrw-dvdrom n my cpu.. any interested buyers?
XpertVision Radeon 9550V+ 256MB DDR2 AGP8X -$70 with warranty left
Nvidia 64MB MX440 AGP8 - $20
Hitachi-LG CD-RW/DVD-ROM Drive - $30
Intel Pentium 4 2.66GHz CPU - $90
my rig is finally complete now with a visit to the pcshow..
and the stupid picture uploader is still not working.. so cant share pictures... this is so sad..
philips 19" widescreen lcd..
woo it looks beautiful lah.. y cant i post some pictures... tsktsk