the best job in saf
i believe will be signing on as a regular in close protection squad of security branch in mp.. only regulars can be in cps.. fucking cool kevlar suits with sidearmm pockets.. n duno wat rifle they carrying.. which looks like modified mp5 n sar21 of some sort.. black goggles n everything.. omg.. haha.. when they practise escorting on foot its oredi way cool.. u all do not have a chance to see them escort on wheels.. oh my gosh its wooooo...
they do handbrake turns n 180s.. they dun use silvias or skylines.. they use a mitsubishi lancer 1.5gdi.. the previous facelift one.. wtf.. how does a lancer actually do 180 i duno..
then they take a very old honda accord the very old type one.. n they practise sidewinding.. until all the bumpers n lights fall off..
the most impressive thing i think is the 2 escort ssangyong rextons.. i duno how they mod it.. it can drift and do 180 n everything.. n the most kickass thing is it reverses with the beep of a tonner.. wtf.. lol..
guess wat.. all these stunt driving is done in our parade square.. the size of only about half a football field sandwiched in between our hq building n our school building.. woah.. i must say.. thats the biggest eye opener iv had in mp command so far...
26 days to black brassard
including weekends.. i have 26 more days to passing out as an mp.. happy but sad too.. its oredi 2/3 thru the course and aft a few more major exercises its over.. no more trainee life.. sad cuz its oredi the 28th.. afrc told me there will be a slot for the review in october.. haiz.. i think my hopes r slowly fading as the days pass.. when it comes to a stage im oredi serving as an mp, particularly if im posted to mindef, with a mount-dismount-standby-training lifestyle i think i will just carry on with wat im doing n maybe pursue the dream aft ns..
mount-dismount-standby-training simply means ur doing a 24hr duty, u rest 24 hrs, u switch on ur hp in camp for 24hrs, and u train 8-5.. n this repeats.. technically its a 1 and a half day work week of 4 days.. u weigh the allowance with the job done by the various formations.. i think mp leads the best life..
sun early book in.. mon-wed will be the summary exercise 'moonlight marshall'.. i duno wat to expect out of it.. cuz its unlike the chiong sua of cdo..there will be none or little rest in this 3 days doing 3 missions one aft another.. just hopes everything will go well with a welfare instructor 3sg doraemon.. he said his mission station will have a chiller with ice cold drinks n his section will most likely get to sleep.. haha.. with a small section aft
4 guys went out of course (the jinxed section? i duno).. i believe us 8 guys with the spec2 guys will be having a good but mentally n physically tiring time in tekong
RX8 club singapore
i wonder if i ever have the chance to join this club.. happened to stumble across some of their club videos on youtube.. the videos r all so nice.. how u wish u can be part of them on their outings to m'sia.. rx8 vs rx8, auto vs auto, den rx7 vs evo9.. i duno y they r there but they r there.. there r some nice girls some r girlfriends some r owners.. den when they stop over at petrol station or by the roadside its quite a scene.. over 10 rx8s parked at every kiosk in the petrol station..
the reality is i hafta prepare for book in soon.. sian.. its another day another week.. when can i start earning money for things i like..
this is it!

Made in W.Germany
my new speakers!

abit sad cudnt get the deeper bass 3600.. i thot going to hq showroom will confirm haf stocks.. but they got none left n display not for sale.. however i learnt 3400 uses the same bass module as 3600.. but theres an extra acoustic loaded module technology in 3600 thats wat gives it the extra oomph.. 3400 has clean sounds in the mids n highs.. i find it quite appealing too now that iv heard quite a genre of songs n music with it.. its bass is not too bad too.. well i shall start saving up for my lcd tv in time for bro's moving in to new house.. when he clears the room i shall move in with cable tv n computer moved in! looking forward!
the $99 pricetag was quite misleading.. it only applied to coloured units.. n not the black/white/silver units.. i dun understand why.. tsktsk.. i paid $149 for it (u.p. $199) when i started the day exepecting to pay $149 for 3600 (u.p. $239 then $199)
i feel as if i can become a lawyer after ns.. haha.. just learnt the tip of the iceberg and i cant wait to boast about my new acquired knowledge.. if ur interested can find all the laws in Armed Forces Act (Cap 295) Section 26Cruel, indecent or disgraceful conduct26. Every person subject to military law who behaves in a cruel, indecent or disgraceful manner or in a manner unbecoming a member of the Singapore Armed Forces shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction by a subordinate military court to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or any less punishment authorised by this Act.
haha.. i think this is a good way to memorise the laws.. everytime i post on blogger i will post one section
xmod + itrigue 3600
i need money to buy them! so long never enjoy music liao.. i wonder wat does xmod do.. wunder it works on wat technology.. i shall try to ask for some money to go creative shop tmr.. fired a p226 live! it is more difficult than it seems.. esp kneeling behind cover.. only got 5 shots out of 5 double action n 5 single action.. i think the problems lies in my double action.. i need to hold more firm n control my breathing.. there was a fire near the range den our p226 range was cut.. hafta go back next week.. looking forward to a good shoot.. hope to get the best shot plaque
it seems easy but its not
its difficult being an i/c oredi.. now i have to take over on the day we go for an outfield exercise .. oredi the i/c's job is tough n hectic.. now there are logistics n admin to pile up..
wat a great welcome gift i got when wat we thot ws going to be a happy first friday bookout turned into a nightmare.. one idiot just doesnt have the responsibility to take account for his own stores.. hes just a fucker.. for the whole 2 hours we were held back he can just show a fuck face n insist he lost the ammo pouch.. n he makes it seem losing a controlled item is no big deal.. the whole course is held back due to his irresponsiblity and everybody is cursing n swearing.. but he is cool as fuck.. damn him.. i hate him oredi.. lucky ps let us book out n wants the supposed person who "stole" the ammo pouch to return annoymously on monday.. wtf i say.. its like asking the pig to kiss its anus.. wtf.. there will be more "investigations" n wateva shit carried out on monday.. i just hope the fucking ammo pouch just appears from nowhere lah.. damn..
on the lighter side.. im quite happy with how to week went.. held a pistol for the first time in my life.. got the chance to learn the p226 sig sauer.. i nv knew a pistol can shoot 9mm rounds.. its like so huge for a weapon so small.. even a gpmg fires 7.62mm rounds only..
im still waiting for the review notice.. i wunder if they still remember me..
beautiful pics n videos
but sadly it wil be classified as restricted.. i got a video clip of me collecting my 7.62mm rounds but the quality a lil choppy.. duno y.. den a nice monochrome clip of live firing.. picture of my firing detail with belts of 120 rounds..
shall be the first videos i keep in my psp! haha
a defining moment in the course.. we were a lucky batch to fire 120 7.62mm 4 bit rounds.. that means every 4 ball rounds theres a tracer.. but we were shooting in the day.. nonetheless the tracers glowed very nice.. when will i ever fire a machine gun again in my life.. very fun.. the last burst i shot about 20-25 rounds.. the barrels can catch fire if u oil them too much.. too bad we didnt use them to the extent of the barrels being white-hot.. its only smokin a lil
i finally noe whose maserati quattroportte it is..that day when iz sent me back to camp we saw this maserati.. it belongs to the dad of my book in/out i/c an md of a shipping company.. his mum is a director in the same company.. she drives a clk 320 cabrio.. he has a nissan murano (according to him the higher spec) meaning the 3.5l model.. some ppl r just born into well to do families.. it seems mowbray camp has alot of maseratis.. quite a handful.. it seems mowbray camp or the MP formation is a dumping ground for rich man sons.. my sect comd is one.. 3sg driving a brand new mazda3..
i got to know this bunch of top gear followers while preparing for gpmg dry run n stuff.. one of them has a mazda3 too.. but his parents thinking of handing it to his sister or selling it off.. im not sure.. its nice to find ppl with the same interests.. we can talk forever
did my first regimental guard duty.. did with some new good friends.. its fun in a way but very very tiring physically n mentally.. cuz iv never done sentry n prowling in bmt b4.. so its sth new to me.. 4 hour shifts r quite demanding.. nevertheless it was fun.. just keep learning new things everyday.. oh n we needed to wear masks when prowling in the night n early mornings cuz the psi was like 150.. we get to see the puppies from dog wing during our rounds.. very cute.. a golden retriever puppy is very adorable.. my friend gauges it to be about 5 months old.. den u can see the trained dogs sleeping at night.. some legs to the sky.. some proned.. little things which make ur tired prowling route a breeze..
shall go shower, watch an episode of top gear i bookmarked but havnt watched.. den see wat i can do for the rest of the day b4 booking in again..