Friday, February 06, 2009
a career prospect
and i mean career. this is the best job ever la.. after meeting up with nerissa yesterday and taking a spin in her cutsey 120i cabriolet. she suddenly gave me an idea of what i can do after 5 years. i can become a mercedes-benz sales executive! how nice to be able to do something i really love and am totally crazy about and be paid 5 digits a month. get to learn advanced driving techniques and get staff prices at mercedes-benz.she says they like to look for ex crew.. i don't know how true is that.. but it does make sense to be a sales executive with a premium car seller like mercedes-benz.. unlike the masses car dealer, u don't have to work your shit off to get 5 digits a month. customers come in and buy an s class or e class because they want it, they need it. and it's not difficult like ferrari or lamborghini where u are aiming at like 1 sale every 2 months kind.
hm.. food for thought! haha
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