Wednesday, January 02, 2008

10 minutes into 2008

maybe my first new year's resolution should be to put more effort in organising gatherings. despite the impromptu-ness we still managed to find a rather spacious spot right behind one of the giant 3ft marina square exhaust tubes. so we got a pretty nice obscured view of the 10 minute fireworks. my apologies, my alterego was @ the esplanade with a better vantage point when you were all locked on to the the sparkles in the sky

here you are

ok hope that should help you guys relive the brief first moments of 2008. happy new year guys!

i feel this year is important in my life. very important. crossroads. life shaping decisions
therefore number 1 on the list should be
1. get the job and work hard if im in or start preparing the necessary stuff for application to UQ
that's all after 060508, therefore comes number 2
2. learn the art of tolerance and even more, acceptance, just for this 100 odd days i have left in service. time should fly when you are having, erm, fun?
3. controlled eating
4. controlled expenditure ($)
5. be content but allow myself to buy some toto tickets once in awhile
6. be prepared for and go head on with things that are still unforeseeable as of 020108 for the rest of the year

i hope there will be more pleasant surprises and less disappointements in 2008


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