Tuesday, May 16, 2006
ok! yiyang has passed his interview today! the most conspicuous nick on my msn today "Pilot! HERE I comE!! ABOVE ALL!"so i cudnt help but msg him n chat awhile.. he said tmr is his medical.. man i asked him how long was the wait for interview.. he said 1 year.. i freakin year!!! gosh.. aft suffering in cdo for a year den he got called for interview..
man he must have been very good.. only 6 passed out of 21 interviewed today.. congrats to him!
so im thinking.. the damnest thing now is i might hafta wait a year for the interview.. man.. thats f**kedup.. now i am more reassured.. he didnt qualify for ocs but got it.. im hoping it works out for me as well.. man that percentage of passes in the interview scares me..
Commando! For Honour and Glory!
Pilot! Above All!
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