Saturday, April 29, 2006
i am spiderman!
wah.. i had an "Operation Break-in to Masterbedroom" at abt 12plus midnight just now.. duno how come my mother locked herself out.. i tried picking the lock but to no avail.. nobody noes where the godamn keys r.. theres a high possibility the keys r in the room itself.. lol... i decided to give it a try.. climbing thru the ventilation window of the bathroom.. i spent abt 30mins trying stools washing machine everything.. bamboo poles.. mops.. i was the leader of this operation as my mother went to sleep at the living room sofa.. i was the only man in this operation.. so there goes... i was pacing up n down.. sweating like duno wat.. den my mother woke up.. she asked.."u gonna climb in thru there?"... den i took a deep breath and i went for it.. step up the stool on to the washing machine.. hands on the base of the window sill.. pushed upper body into the bathroom.. lucky the design of the bathroom is such that there was sth for me to hold on to.. n slide myself in thru that window.. i dropped in some stools.. n moved the ladder in.. opened it up so that i haf sth to descend with.. mission accomplished!

if u dun believe.. next time come my house.. i show u.. :D
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